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AnswerHonestly? I think that bumping your elbow or stubbing your toe, or even falling up the stairs hurts more then when you get your cartilage pierced. They only true discomfort is later on when it's healing. It'll be sore for sometime, and accidentally bumping it when fixing your hair makes you flinch a bit, but as for the actual piercing. The pain is actually very easy to ignore.

when i got mine done i was expecting it to be quite sore but i was 11 at the time so i anticipated really, But the guy done it and i said is that it and it was done. When you brush over it it really ,makes you flinch and sleeping on it is quite annoying if you have the starter earings in:S But its not even sore :D And i was 11 :/
It really depends on your pain tolerance. If you have a high pain tolerance you may not feel it that much. Your upper cartilage is harder than your lobes so expect some pain but it is really quick usually. I have one hoop on one cartilage and an industrial in the other. My only recommendation is not to pierce both sections of the upper cartilage on both ears, you will need to be able to sleep, and sleeping on a cartilage piercing will hurt and or cause complications with healing. Hope that helps.
it realy matters how wide yours comes out and how thick it is and also go to someone who you know freezes it if its not frozen it hurts like heck i got mine done and they didnt freeze it

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15y ago

Eh, depends on your pain tolerance. It wasn't bad for me, and I did it myself! But it ended up getting infected after a while, and I had to go on heavy antibiotics. Did it professionally, still got infected, so I decided screw it, and got rid of it. But most people would say the cartilege pierced hurts, but isn't excruciatingly painful. If you want it, go for it! Eh, depends on your pain tolerance. It wasn't bad for me, and I did it myself! But it ended up getting infected after a while, and I had to go on heavy antibiotics. Did it professionally, still got infected, so I decided screw it, and got rid of it. But most people would say the cartilege pierced hurts, but isn't excruciatingly painful. If you want it, go for it!

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13y ago

The cartilage piercing didn't hurt. It felt like a pinch. I got mine at Claire's, they use guns. They say its better to use needles because the gun shatters your cartilage. And needles are 2x the price of a gun and they hurt way worse. Just know that your ear will be sore for a while.

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13y ago

Not very, when it happens. I got it done a few years back, when I didn't know anything about piercings. Now I know better. Do not go to Claire's for piercings. Guns are unsterile and unsafe. Go to a professional studio somewhere near by.

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12y ago

It doesnt hurt too bad. I did mine myself with a sterilized safety pin. Many of my friends did it after I did, so its not just my high pain tolerance. I can imagine that if you get yours professionally done, it will hurt a great deal less, but its not too bad. Hurts more than getting your lobe pierced though.

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14y ago

Let's clear this up, all piercings hurt, the difference between one hurting really bad and one not hurting so badly comes down to three things. Piercer skill and experience and the aftercare you are doing to look after the piercing. If you want the piercing then that's half the battle the next is to find and experienced professional body piercer who knows how to do the piercing you want. Research research research, then settle on your piercer of choice.

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14y ago

Well i usually put pain of a piercing on a scale of 1-10. In my opinion the cartilage is about a .5-1. It's not a painful piercing and it heals quickly if taken care of properly.

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Does getting your tragus pierced hurt?

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The tragus piercing has a smaller cartillage when pierced while the rook piercing has a bigger cartilage. So rook has to be the much more painful type of ear piercing.

How do you prepare yourself for a cartilage piercing?

just don't think about it too much! the more you think about it, the more you'll freak yourself out. its not as bad as you think its going to be! i did mine myself....if i can shove a needle through my ear and come out fine then I'm sure that getting it done proffesionally isn't anything to worry about. just go and do it!

Ear cartilage piercing?

Ear cartilage piercing, yes and................

Is the helix piercing painful?

I don't have one but I have friends who do. They have other piercings as well and their helix piercings are the most painful for them. But some of them say that the actual piercing isn't as painful as the swelling afterwards. Any cartilage piercing just takes longer to heal and stays cranky for a while. I have my tragus pierced and it really wasnt that bad.

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Does Miley Cyrus have a cartilage piercing?

yes she does have a cartilage piercing on one ear she also has a nose piercing and a belly piercing too.

How painful is a tongue piercing?

The initial piercing is not painful. The only thing felt is the pressure of needle. The clamp on the tongue hurts more than the actual piercing. The healing after is the painful part. The tongue will swell, and the muscle will be sore. As the tongue adjust to the metal and heals itself from the initial tear and swelling, the pain will subside, generally over a few days following the piercing. By experience, a piercing in the upper cartilage hurts more than a piercing in the tongue.

Does nose or cartilage piercing hurt more?

just got my nose re-pierced yesterday, and i've had my cartilage done for about a year now. For me, the pain level is about the same. The piercing itself didn't actually hurt much at all for either, its just sore for a while after you get it done. I think my cartilage was worse, but not by that much. I don't think either piercing is that painful, but they do really look good. I just have a regular one hole cartilage piercing, but I hope I could help a little. :)

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Most people I know including my cartilage piercing left a large circular bumb on the back of my cartilage piercing :/ it's worth it though. I love my cartilage piercing!

Does getting your spectrum pierced hurt?

A septum piercing is a type of nose piercing. The cartilage is not pierced but the gap between the bottom of the nose and cartilage is. Many have said that it does not hurt very much, but everyone's tolerance is different.

What types of food can't you eat after getting cartilage pierced?

Eating and ear cartilage have no relation to each other, besides being on the same head, food has nothing to do with the cartilage piercing.