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Q: Does dark brown hair turn lighter before turning gray?
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What is Liam pyane dark brown or light brown?

His hair is dark brown but the tips are lighter. His eyes are dark brown.

What is bleaching your hair?

It makes your hair lighter so if I have dark brown hair it will make it a more lighter brown

What do you get by mixing brown and beige?

just a lighter brown or you could call it a dark beige.

What colors are Otters?

Otters are dark brown when wet but they look lighter brown when their fur is dry.

You know this is a dumb question but is brown lighter than dark brown?

white people are dumb.

What colour are Tina campbell's eyes in Mary Mary?

some type of brown. its not a dark brown because in lots of her pictures her eyes are lighter than dark brown.

What color are pikas?

Pikas are a tannish-brown. Their undersides are lighter. Their noses are dark brown, and their eyes are black.

What colors can you use to make dark red?

orange, brown, lighter red if u have.

Will brown and blue make black?

If you use a dark brown and blue probably. If one or both are lighter than probably not.

What color is Lucy hale's hair?

lucy hale's hair color was a lighter brown, now it's dark brown

How do you keep coleslaw from turning brown?

sprinkle with lemon juice

What is white and brown swirl bread?

White and brown swirl bread is a pumpernickle and rye combo--the rye is very dark and the pumpernickle is lighter in color. The two doughs are rolled together when the loaf is formed before baking.