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It can be normal for some women, you know best what is normal for your body - if this is a new occurrence then it would be best to talk to your doctor. If you're going through a super or ultra absorbency tampon every hour then your period is heavy so it's best to check with your doctor to make sure everything is okay and look at treatment options. Do not allow your doctor to palm you off with hormonal Birth Control, although withdrawal bleeds on the pill can be lighter than menstrual bleeds it's not fixing the problem, it's not the most effective means of reducing flow, and it's putting you at unnecessary risk.Consider using Tranexamic Acid to reduce flow, and use menstrual cups which can be worn far longer than tampons, at times when you'd not be able to safely use tampons, don't leak like tampons, and can reduce flow.

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No, tampons shouldn't need to be changed every hour.

Tampons should be changed every 4-6 hours, if you need to change tampons more often than this due to leaking you may want to use a higher absorbency. If already using highest absorbency consider menstrual cups as they hold more flow so can be left for longer. If a tampon isn't saturated in blood after 4-6 hours then you need to switch back down to a lower absorbency tampon again.

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Q: Do you change a tampon every hour?
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I dont know how many times other women change theirs, but i personally change mine every hour or so when i change my tampon... I only keep a pantie liner in as extra protection from blood leakage, but still change it as i change the tampon...

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Yes this does sometimes happen and is nothing to worry about unless you are bleeding excessively heavy to the point that you need to change your pad or tampon every 1 hour.

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How many times should a girl change her tampon?

A girl should change her tampon every 4-8 hours to avoid the risk of toxic shock syndrome. It's important to follow the instructions provided by the tampon manufacturer and never leave a tampon in for longer than recommended.

What could be wrong if you spotted for 3 days and then it stopped but suddenly you had a period that was so heavy that a tampon didn't last more than an hour?

Hi Heavy bleeding like this needs to be investigated by your doctor. Bleeding that is so heavy that it requires you to change your pad or tampon every 1-2 hours, is too heavy and definitely needs to be told to your doctor.

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you can get natural yogurt and dip it in a tampon and change the tampon every hour. Take inner health plus, wear cotton undies, put cream on all the time and slash watered down vinger down there.

Why would your period light and then the text time you change your tampon be very heavy with clots?

It's not unusual for the amount of flow from your period to vary from hour to hour or day to day. This is a common pattern that women report.

When should you know to take your tampon out?

Tampons need to be changed every 4-6 hours.If your tampon leaks then you remove the tampon before this time, and if the tampon leaks within 1-2 hours you may want to use the next absorbency up. Remember you change absorbency as flow changes, if the tampon isn't saturated in blood after 4-6 hours you need to use lower absorbency or if already using lowest absorbency you need to switch to pads as your flow is too light for tampons.Many women use pads or pantiliners as back-up, especially when first using tampons.

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It is usually diagnosed when a woman soaks through a tampon or pad every hour for several hours or has a period lasting more than 7 days.

How do you prevent stains while on your period cause I need help?

Preventing stains while on your period can prove to be a bit difficult without proper menstrual knowledge. When using a pad, you need to change it on your heaviest days once every hour or two. When using a tampon, change it every two to three hours on your heaviest days (sometimes more often depending on the amount of blood). A menstrual cup will hold a lot more blood than either a pad or a tampon and is overall much safer than a tampon with no risk of Toxic Shock Syndrome (which is caused by the massive amount of chemicals in tampons). For extra protection regardless of what you use, get a panty liner.

What if you are going white water rafting and started your period this morning what do you do when you have to spend 15 hours on a boat with no option to change a tampon?

There is no way that you would be expected to sit on a boat for 15 hours without any access to a toilet - it just wouldn't happen, if you have access to a toilet then you can change your tampon and pads. If you are ever in a situation where you can't change a tampon every 4-6 hours then you shouldn't use a tampon, you can leave menstrual cups or softcups in for up to 12 hours so could potentially go a little longer without risk.

How long should you sleep when you have your period?

same as normal, just dont wear a tampon. if you do, wake up every 2 hours to change it. Or you will get a serious infection.