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No they dont shave their body hair , they mostly wear burqas as it is a custom for females who attend puberty to cover themselves from head to toe, and mostly its a personal choice not a compulsion for them to shave their body hair

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Q: Do women who wear burqas shave their bodily hair?
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According to Orthodoxy, women do NOT have to cut or shave their hair. Most orthodox women will wear scarves, hats, or wigs that cover all or most of their hair.

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Women regularly shave that kind of hair. For men, most leave it alone - part of being a man I suppose.

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Because They Think It's Not Cute. Actually Yu Aren't Suppose To Shave All Of It Off. The Reason FOr Hair Is For Protection. Only Hair That Yu Do Not Need Is UnderArm Hair.

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Women take great pains to present an attractive appearance. For American women, underarm hair and hair on legs is considered unattractive, so they usually shave it off. In some other countries, underarm hair is not viewed with such distaste, so it may not be shaven. /brian W

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White woman also grow hair in their pit. You have been misinformed. ------------------------------------------------------------- White women just choose to shave their pits.