NO most of the girls don't wear panties to bed. I personally don't wear as many girls prefer to have free sleep and it really provide you a comfort to sleep with out panties OR Sometimes girls do wear panties to bed so their period doesn't get on their clothes,bed or them selves!
No most girls are not dirty. But there are those girls who need to wear less make up and more clothes and I consider them dirty. Also if type girl acts dirty or she really needs to take a shower. But most girls like to smell nice.
somenight i wear my anty dirty panty and sweet smell bra. I most in panty is after my anty weared.
most likely not but some girls accept it i mean I'm a guy and my gf loves it when i wear her clothes but i would hide it from them until your ready
its not really normal you dont have to be horny or gay to sniff panties i do it i even wear then cus its just clothing its not illegal to sniff em or wear em if your a boy
Do what Prince Harry did, ask her, "Are you wearing any underwear?"Umm, this guy/girl's the one wearing the panties wanting to tell his/her partner that they do wear panties. Umm, if you're under 16 years old, you shouldn't even have sex so there's no reason why your partner should know. But if you wanan tell them, just be up straight. If you're a guy and in highschool, be careful cause girls can get mean and tell everyone. If you're a girl, don't worry most girls do wear panties I think.If you want to wear panties that is entirely your own business, it doesn't harm anyone else and lots of boys and men do it. Bear in mind though there is always a risk of catching an STD from someone elses dirty clothing. I'd recommend that if you wish to wear or otherways use girl's panties the best thing to do would be to buy some for your own use.
Most women's panties are made without seams and with smoother and softer materials. You may want to try silk underwear for men if wearing women's panties bothers you. I you want to wear something similar to panties, I would suggest buying the Jockey Brand "Life" underwear. I wear the bikini briefs and it is just like wearing girls panties. but they are men's underwear. You can purchase them at Walmart for $10.00 a package (5 in a pack).
Most that don't have a clue what foot/shoe fetishes are about would proable freak out. If it was a girl involved in a relationship and she rally liked this boy then she may find it flattering.
Im sure most do, even if they say they don't. Just like most girls prefer older men with money even if they say the don't lol.
Pink Panties!
you get girls to think your attractive make yourself look like a take a shower a everyday. but also give them that dirty look. also the most important rule BE YOURSELF GIRLS HATE FAKE GUYS.