You do not buy relaxers based on the colour of your hair.
Relaxers chemically straightens your hair.
Yes. Relaxers straightens the hair if applied properly and in sections. Relaxers are to be applied to the new growth only.
Yes some relaxers make your hair silky and smooth. But the main purpose of a relaxer is to permentaly straiten your hair.
Thio relaxers use ammonium thioglycolate to break the disulfide bonds in the hair, while hydroxide relaxers use hydroxide ions to break the disulfide bonds. Thio relaxers are milder and are often used on fine or damaged hair, while hydroxide relaxers are stronger and are better for coarse or resistant hair.
20-30% Relaxers are damaging to the scalp and hair. Use a flat iron. More women use flat irons than relaxers anyway.
Yes ,hair's product can expire....
Most pills have a one year shelf life. You should check with your local pharmacy.
The best relaxers brand are up to you. There are some good relaxers but you need to get one that works well on your hair and hair type. Cocoa Keratin Kit is a good quality hair relaxer but in general no base chemical relaxers are the choice of Salons professionals because they are much more gentle on the hair and scalp.
Don't know
Relaxers are for anyone who has "textured" hair. While people of African descent are the main ones with this hair, there are mixed race people who use such products.
A relaxer is where you get your hair straightened. A perm is when you get your hair curly.