because they is is weird that their have hair and when they get older they discover that hair is natural
You can change your hair color by getting older, because your hair cells will die as you age and your hair will turn white.
Yes, as older your hair color changes.
There is no natural way to change hair color. To change it you have to dye it or get a wig in the color you want.
Same reason humans' hair changes color when they get older.
No, eating crusts cannot make your hair curly. Hair texture is determined by genetics, specifically the shape of the hair follicle. Eating a well-balanced diet can support overall hair health, but it does not change the natural texture of your hair.
Yes, your hair can change color as you age. Some people's hair turns from blond to brown, some brown to white or grey. As you grow older you yourself will mostlikely notice a change in your hair. == == == ==
If you're outdoors frequently, the sun can add natural highlights to your hair.
Yes it can. As the baby gets older they change their hair colour. If you need more info look at Wikipedia.
Washing hair doesn't cause hair to change in any way, except making it cleaner.
Babies can have white hair due to a lack of pigment in their hair follicles, which is usually temporary and can change as they grow older.
I found out that when your born you're hair is your natural color or you don't have hair. After you start growing you hair gets older as you body starts growing and getting older. As you see many seniors have white hair unless the dye or color it. In the cold a childs hair can get white because of the cold.