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It seems like the backing would be annoying and would block your ear canal a bit. There are some great mini barbells you can use though.

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Yes you can just be gentle the first few times you put them in and take them out and be sure they stay clean to they don't infect the piercing.

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Q: Can you use inside the ear earphones with a tragus piercing?
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What is the piercing called right next to your ear?

most likely the tragus piercing. but that's still on the ear.

What piercing hurts more- tragus or rook?

The tragus piercing has a smaller cartillage when pierced while the rook piercing has a bigger cartilage. So rook has to be the much more painful type of ear piercing.

Does your ear have to be a certain size to get your tragus pierced?

It's called a Tragus. The lip of the ear canal should be predominant and should move freely to cover the canal when pushed by the index finger. If the tragus is too small then healing and rejection could be problems. Only a professional body piercer can make that call by looking at your tragus. Do not pierce this with a piercing gun, there are a great deal of nerves and vessels in this area of the ear and a piercing stud can and will do serious damage that can not be repaired. Piercing guns are for ear lobes only.

Meaning of tragus piercing?

Just another ear cartilage piercing, it has no magical meaning, it's just another piercing.

How much is a tragus ear piercing?

depends on the location, but usually around $50.

What are the pros of earphones inside the ear?

The advantages of earphones that fit inside the ear are the sound quality. These types of earphones are also smaller and are therefore easier to carry and store.

What is a tragus piecing?

The Tragus is a little prominent flap of skin and cartilage in front of the ear canal, this piercing is done by professional body piercers and should never be done by a piercing gun. To do so can lead to serious personal injury to the tissue and hearing.The tragus is the small external lobe of flesh of the ear closest to the skull. It is located in front of the concha. This lobe is conventionally pierced with a captive bead ring. The tragus has no nerve endings but some piercers experience pain.

What does rook piercing stand for?

The word rook does not mean anything I don't think. A rook piercing is located on the ear. Where your cartalidge ends and it is that little (hard you cant move it) flap of skin between the ear cartalidge and your tragus (that hard flap of skin on the inside of your ear in front of the hole)

What is a tragus piercing?

A tragus piercing is done through the small flap of cartilage in the front of the ear canal.its the little part that if you put in ear buds it pushes up or if you like covering your ears that little part you push down you can look at pictures of it on google

Can you pierce your own tragus?

A Tragus piercing is a technically challenging piercing that can't be done without knowledge of the structures of the ear and cartilage. Permanent ear and hearing damage can be done when attempted by novices. Listen use common sense and leave piercing to the hands of professional body piercers who will use aseptic methods and materials to provide the piercing in a safe manner. This is not a piercing gun piercing.

How long does it take for a tragus piercing to close?

It depends on how long you have the piercing/ how healed it is. If you have it for longer than a year and it is all healed, it will usually stay open for awhile. Your tragus is just like the cartilage on the outer rim of your ear.

What is the tragus?

The tragus is a small, pointed, flap of cartilage located on the outer ear, in front of the ear canal. It helps to collect sound and funnel it into the ear canal, aiding in the localization of sound.