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There is a beauty cream called "Slow Grow" for your face (usually used for eyebrow waxing)... If it works it only makes a different of a day or two.... You cant really slow down facial hair.... Your growing it because of the amount of hormones your body is making...

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Q: Can you slow down facial hair growth?
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What are some things that slow down facial hair growth?

Waxing helps other wise have it lazered and it wont grow at all

How does smoking affect the growth and appearance of a yellow mustache?

Smoking can cause a yellow mustache due to the tar and nicotine in cigarettes staining facial hair. It can also slow down hair growth and make the mustache appear dull and unhealthy.

How do you slow down hair growth on your head?

You have to wash it with pale ! Good Luck.

Does hair dye stop or slow down hair growth?

No, it does not. However, it decreases the protein and causes damage.

How do you slow down growth?

you can not slow down growth. Growth goes at its own pace either fast or between fast and slow.

Does straightening hair slow hair growth?

No, it doesn't, but if you do straighten your hair a lot it can cause lots of split ends, and that makes your hair really unhealthy, and that can slow your hair growth.

Why hair on head grows fast?

If you have a diet high in protein it can make your hair grow faster. As you age, the hair growth tends to slow down.

How do I find over the counter Lotions to stop hair growth on legs?

You can buy ones to slow down hair regrowth in most chemists. Ask for depilatory products. These are chemicals that dissolve hair

How has the work of chemists advanced cancer treatment?

Chemists have developed drugs that slow down or stop the growth of cancer.

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Slow down growth