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No. You make loose powder into pressed powder by adding pressing binder (it's not alcohol) and putting the powder in a cosmetic pressing machine.

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Q: Can you make a loose powder into a compact powder by alcoohol 70 percent?
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How do you convert loose powder into compact powder?

Loose powder is really nice stuff to wear. It doesn't have the binders and fillers pressed powder does, so it's better for your skin. To convert loose powder into "compact powder," you can buy a compact made to hold loose powder. Bare Minerals sells one that's nice, and it will hold any loose powder, not just Bare Minerals' powder (which is called Mineral Veil).

What is the container that holds face powder called?

The container that holds face powder is typically called a powder compact or powder case. It is used to store and apply loose or pressed face powder for makeup touch-ups throughout the day.

What is loose shimmer powder?

its like a powder eye shaddow same as a loose face powder or if its not that it could be like a loose powder highlight

Does Mary kay loose powder have glitter?

yes, Mary kay does have loose powder with glitter, almost every one that sells powder does. every girl gots to have a little sparkleee! (:

Do you use powder primer or normal creamy primer for mineral powder foundation?

Depends on the coverage you are trying to achieve. Cream will give the most coverage followed by liquid and the pressed and loose powder achieve a sheer coverage. Cream, liquid or pressed powder can be used under loose powder. Be sure to use a large fluffy brush for the loose powder application for the best result.

What is the general appearance color how loose or compact it is kind of particles and so forth of the original soil sample?

What is the general appearance (color, how loose or compact it is, kind of particles, and so forth) of the original soil sample?

How does one apply loose powder makeup?

Loose powder makeup is applied using large brushes made of soft bristles. These pick up the powder when dabbed into the pot of it and then it can be brushed onto the face as required.

Can you wear loose powder alone?

You can but ts best if you use a liquid concealer on first then the powder on top so it will stay longer.

What is bulk powder?

A mass of fine loose grains that are made when a solid material has been ground or crushed.

Does coffee powder have definite volume?

The powder itself does, but it will usually be loose packed with air between the grains so it will occupy more volume than that.

When measuring a cup of cocoa powder should it be packed or loose?

loose because if it is packed there will be more than you wanted in there [source] i am currently going to culinary school:P

Meaning of loosen?

To make loose; to free from tightness, tension, firmness, or fixedness; to make less dense or compact; as, to loosen a string, or a knot; to loosen a rock in the earth., To free from restraint; to set at liberty.., To remove costiveness from; to facilitate or increase the alvine discharges of., To become loose; to become less tight, firm, or compact.