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no i can't

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Q: Can you have parental consent for a minor to get a tattoo in ga?
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Can you get married without parental consent in Georgia if you are 15 years old and pregnant?

No. Even with parental consent you couldn't do it. In order to marry in GA a minor must be at least 16 and have parental consent.

You are 17 and your boyfriend is 19 you want to marry him where and how can you go about this in GA without parental consent?

You cannot marry in GA without parental consent if you are under 18.

What are the places in gerogia that you can get married at 16 and be pregnant without consent?

Nowhere. GA wisely changed the law several years ago to close this 'loophole'. Now, pregnant or not, a minor cannot marry in GA without parental consent.

Can a 17 year old leave there parents home legally in GA?

If you mean without parental consent... No, not unless the minor has been legally emancipated in some manner, such as marriage (requires parental consent), court order (which is rarelygranted), etc.

Can a 15-year-old marry an adult with parental consent in ga?


Can you stop underage marriage of pregnant daughter in Georgia?

A pregnant minor cannot get married in GA without parental consent. They used to be able to, but GA changed the law in 2006 (and they should have changed it years before they did).

What is the legal age to get a tattoo in Georgia without parental consent?

The NEWEST :The law has changed : Section 44-34-100. ... A) It is unlawful for a person to perform or offer to perform tattooing upon a person under the age of eighteen .The parental consent requirement for 18-21 has been dropped...There is no provision for tattooing anyone under 18, parental consent or not ... tattooing a minor is considered a sexual offense in SC ...For drinking? Smoking? Consentual sex? Voting? Working? Fishing? You need to be a bit clearer.^^^^ He asked about getting a tattoo...pretty clear if you ask me.A) It is unlawful for a person to perform or offer to perform tattooing upon a person under the age of twenty-one years or, if the person is at least eighteen, does not have parental consent.(B) The minor upon whom tattooing is performed, or the parent or legal guardian of that minor, or any other minor is not liable for punishment pursuant to this section.

How old do you have to be to move out of your parents home in Ga?

Without parental consent you have to be 18.

Can you be 16 with parent consent and marry a 19 year old in the state of Georgia?

Yes, you can marry at 16 in GA if you have parental consent.

What is the minimum legal age for marriage in the state of GA?

16 with parental consent. 18 without.

How old do you have to be to get your tongue pierced in Augusta GA?

14 with parental consent 18 to have the right to do it yourself

In the state of Ga can a 16 year old girl get married to a 24 year old male with parents consent?

With parental consent, yes.