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Most piercing/tattoo shops will require you to be 18, however if you have and adult/parent with you then you can have it done at 13, i live in the UK and i had mine done at the age of 12 because i had my dad with me.

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14y ago
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14y ago

Body Piercing Guidelines or "I want a piercing, now what"

  1. All Body Piercing studios are regulated and work under regional and local health and city licensing regulations.
  2. Age limits can vary from city to city and state/province to state/province, contact your local body piercing studios (under the yellowpages "Body Piercing" ) they will tell you what the age limits are for your area.
  3. Identification is aways needed (Birth certificate, Student card, Drivers license) Parental consent is consent from the legal parents (Mother or Father). Grand parents, Sister, Brother, Second Cousin twice removed doesn't cut it sorry. Unless they are your legal guardians assigned by the courts and have documented proof or this, it just won't work.
  4. Prices for piercings vary from shop to shop and city to city. Be sure you phone and ask them what the total price is including any *aftercare solutions they may try to sell you (* Professional body piercing studios won't try to sell you aftercare solution, they will recommend cleansers and soaps but that's it if you want it they will sell it but they will not force you to buy it.)
  5. Do your research, check these places out and find a studio that you are comfortable with, talk to the piercer and discuss you wishes. If at any time you feel like you are being ignored or rushed leave, find somewhere else. Good shops will be busy, but they will also want you to book your appointment, this way they have there full attention on you not everyone else who is asking questions (that's a good thing).
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9y ago

It depends. In many states, you must be at least 16 to get your belly button pierced. One word of warning: if it becomes infected or you decide you're sick of it later on and take it out, the hole never goes away.

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15y ago

it depends on where you live and what piercing you need. Call a local dependable shop and ask. Most often you can get a piercing with parental consent.

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15y ago

Yes. You can get it pierced at any age. Just do it yourself. I'm not sure how old if you want it done professionally.

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15y ago

not likely 12 is too young your body is still growing

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13y ago

You'll have to check with your shop. Some shops don't pierce anyone under 15-16 even with a parent. Just call them and see.

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Q: Can you get you belly button pierced at 16 in California?
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How old do you have to be to get your belly button pierced in Memphis?

you have to be 16

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What is the minimum age a child has to be to get belly button pierced in Virginia?

16 if your parents sign with you. If they don't or wont, you have to be 18 :)

You are 16 can you get your belly button pierced without your parents signature in South Carolina?

The South Carolina state law is that one must be 16 or older, to get their naval pierced. The reason for this is that any given person from 14-15 can still have a growth spurt and would damage the naval area if pierced.

Peirecing belly button?

Where I live you have to be at least 15 and have your parent with ID with you. I got my belly button pierced when I was 16 and it didn't hurt at all. The healing process hurt a little at times but overall wasn't that bad.

How old do you have to be to get your belly button pierced with parents gidance?

13 years old ,But in some states @ 16 years old you can do it alone

Where can a 14 year-old get her belly button pierced?

A tattoo parlor or some piercing padgodas. but under 16 you need parental consent.

When can you get your belly button pierced in New Zealand?

Basically at any age. If you are 16+ you can get any piercing without any parental guidance. But if you are under 16 you will need an adult with you.

Can a belly button be to big to be pierced?

No haven't run into that in over 16 plus years of body piercing, there are some that are too over weight to be done correctly but never "too big" to be pierced.

How much does it cost to get a belly button percing in the UK?

The price varies from place to place, as long as you have an adult with you if you are under 16 you can get it pierced. If you are over 16, you do not need an adult to accompany you.

How old to you have to be to get your belly button pierced?

If you are under 18, a parent's permission is required.

Where can you get your belly button pierced at 16 with out parental consisent around Cedar Rapids Iowa?

If there is a Piercing planet near you get it there. Im getting it done next week.