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It actually make your hair shiny ans smooth, but it's not recomended. some dog shampoos can damage your roots, or ends, or worse, they can make your hair fall out. So be careful. I heard that "Hearts" brand shampoo for dogs works well and won't damage your hair. And it's only $1 :)

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14y ago

Its not really formulated for a dogs fur and skin.

I have had good results with baby shampoo with my dogs unless they had skin problems or were being bathed for fleas.

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Q: Can humans use dog shampoo
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Can you use main and tail medicated shampoo on my dog.?

Main and Tail is for humans and animals.You can use it on your dog ,but you should'nt use it too often beacause it WILL cause your dog hair loss.Thankyou for using;)

Can you use shampoo for dog soap?

Due to the chemicals in people shampoo, it is better to use a dog shampoo. Dogs have different sensitivities than people.

Is it ok to shampoo a dog with herbel esenses?

as far as i know its okay. i use people shampoo when i run out of dog shampoo. it just makes their fur feel slightly different since dogs, obvously, have different hair than humans haha. but it doesnt cause health issues. as far as i know its okay. i use people shampoo when i run out of dog shampoo. it just makes their fur feel slightly different since dogs, obvously, have different hair than humans haha. but it doesnt cause health issues.

Can you use purple shampoo On a brassy colored dog?

Yes. You can use purple shampoo On a brassy colored dog.

What should i wash my dog with?

Use shampoo's that are made for dogs and pets. Shampoos that humans use may harm the coat of dogs. It is better to consult a Vet and find out which brand of shampoo would suit your dog and use it. Using unknown brands may cause allergies and rashes on your dog. So be careful.

Why can't you use shampoo as a normal shampoo?

Regular shampoo is formulated for use on hair and scalp, while dog shampoo is formulated specifically for a dog's pH level and skin sensitivity. Using dog shampoo on humans can potentially cause irritation or allergic reactions due to the different ingredients used in the formulas. It is best to stick to using products intended for their designated use to avoid potential negative effects.

Can chihuahuas use dog shampoo?

befor u typed this question you should have thought: are chihuahuas dogs?yes.then of course i can use DOG shampoo on a DOG

How do you give a dog a bath in Nintendo dogs?

You have to go into care and select shampoo. If your dog has long hair use long hair shampoo if your dog has short hair use short hair shampoo. Click on the appropriate shampoo and then select the dog. (it's really simple)

Can you use kids shampoo for a dog?

You can use people shampoo on dogs but if your dog has a lot of fleas I recommend you use flea shampoo that can be purchased at your local pet store. For skin conditions like mange, visit a vet for a special shampoo.

What happens if you put hair shampoo for humans on a dog?

Smell quite fine.

Should you use Dawn to shampoo your dog?

Dish soap will not harm a dog, but the pH of dogs' skin and fur usually necessitates special dog shampoo, so it's much better for your dog to get a dog shampoo with primarily natural ingredients.If you do use dish soap on him/her dawn is the one to use