Hairspray has alcohol in it. It drys out your ends.
However, your hair starts from follicles inside of your head. Your hair is actually dead. So, while hairspray can damage your hair, it will not stop your hair from growing! Just wash your hair. If you have a lot of build up, mix baking soda with your shampoo and wash your hair! Just occasionally though!
Why does your hair never stop growing?
Malnutrition is often what makes hair stop growing. Hair growth also decreases as a person ages and some hereditary disorders will cause hair to stop growing.
All the hair nevers stop growing. It sheds and grows back.
It doesn't really ever stop growing.
No. What a silly idea. Your hair will never stop growing. It even grows after you die.
Pull the hair out from the root.... of hair folical
Hair doesn't harm hairspray. Hairspray harms hair.
you can go have Laser Hair Surgery
mostly just spraying a little hairspray will makeeverything stay put.