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In general- yes! As the hair grows and the length cut at intervals it should gradually go back to its original colour.

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Q: Can gray hair turn back to it's natural color if stop using hair coloring?
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How do you get your natural hair color back?

Grow it out.

I bleached half of my hair and i dont want to cut it off how do i get it back to my natural color and grow it out without cutting it?

Dye it back to your natural color

What developer should i use to Dye hair back to natural color?

You'll never get it back to the natural color by dying it.. Natural literally means 'existing in or derived from nature; not made or caused by humankind'.The best thing to do is wait for the dyed color to fade away.

When you dye your hair will your natural hair color come back?

If it is temporary hair dye, the color should wash out after awhile. If it is permanent, your natural hair color will come back as the roots grow out, which could take awhile.

How can I ensure that I choose the correct hair color to get my hair back to the color that it naturally was?

Engage the services of a skilled hair colorist who can determine your natural hair color and then adjust your current color. As your natural color grows out, the line between the color and your natural hair won't be as noticeable.

How do you get your hair back its natural color?

grow out the dyed hair until you see your natural color. wait until it gets long enough, and then cut it.

When you use baking soda in your hair do your roots go back to the natural color?

they kind of do but yah they look more like your natural hair color

Permanent hair dying how do you get it back to your natural hair colour?

you're just going to have to wait for it to grow out. assuming that it's darker than your natural color, you could bleach it, then have it dyed back to your natural color, but the process will damage your hair.

What color are eider ducks?

Males are mostly black and white with some buff coloring on the back of the head and chest. Females are brown and black.

How do you get your natural hair colour back when you dye it?

You could either dye it back to ur natural color. or wait for it to grow out then cut of the died ends.

Is it true that lip tint makes you lose your natural of lip colour?

No, lip tint will not make you lose your natural color. But staining tints do take awhile for your natural color to come back.

What color is Sodapop's horse Mickey Mouse?

BUCKSKIN!!! its like yellow coloring with a blakish brownish stipe running down its back, with a darker muzzle.