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In a manner of speaking it can, put some gel in your hair, and use a towel to get rid of the excess, comb it out and put a beanie on, while its still a little wet take the beanie off and comb it out again. It should be pretty straight.

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Q: Can beanies make your hair straight?
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What can you use to make your hair straight?

straightner is used for making hair straight

Can the hair salon make your hair permanetly straight or just for a few months?

It can make it straight only for a few months. You see the hair grows out, your natural hair, which is not straight and that will have to be straightened too.

Why do skateboarders wear beanies?

We usually wear them if we have long hair to be more aerodynamic.

What are hair straighteners use for?

To make your hair straight?

Why will your hair not stay straight?

Because some peoples hair is not naturally straight. You have to have a hair straightener to make it stay straight, if you get it wet it will go frizzy

How can you make your hair really straight with out burning it?

YES You put gel on your hair and comb it straight

How can you make your hair wavy if you have straight hair?

a curling iron

How can you make your hair curly when you have really straight hair?

get a perm.

Which machine make your hair soft and straight?

Well I don't really know if it could make your hair soft but I do know that it could make your hair straight. Just use a straightening iron.

How can you make your naturally curly hair permanently straight?

No, you can only use hair straighteners on a regular basis You can't make it grow out of your head straight but you can get it relaxed (chemically straightened) and then top it up every 6 weeks. Go to the salon and ask them to make your hair permanently straight and they put this special chemical, wash thing in your hair to make your hair permanently straight. I hoped this helped.

What does curly and straight hair make?

Wavy! :) Just like my hair...