

Best Answer


According to this chart

if you are female you are about target weight. If you are male, you are a bit underweight. You might want to follow the link to calculate your body mass. This might be a better index of "fatness."


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Q: Are you considered fat if you are 5'1 and weigh 127 pounds?
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If i weigh 127 pounds and am 5'5 and I'm 15 yrs old am i considered fat Should i lose a couple of pounds?

NO you should not.

Are you fat if you weigh 83 pounds in fifth grade?

You are not considered fat at all if you weight 83 pounds in the 5th grade. This is actually thought of as a healthy weight for children of this age to weigh.

Is a female fat if she weighs 100 pounds at 4'11?

I have no idea if this is considered to be "fat" or not, but I weigh the exact same as that, so please answer question :)

Am i fat i im 12 and 118 pounds and 4'12 feet And how do I loose 20 pounds if 4 months?

You are not fat if you are 12 and weigh 118 pounds at 4'12. The maximum for that height is 127 pounds. To lose 20 pounds in 4 months, restrict calorie intake and increase cardio activity.

How much do you have to weigh to be considered fat?

you see if your at certain age you have to weight a certain amount. For example if your about 10-11 you should weight about 90 to 100 pounds. Or 85. If your 10-11 and weight 160 then you will be considered fat. But if your 48 you should weight about 120-140 pounds. But if your 48 and weight 230 pounds then you will be considered fat.

If you are 5'2 and you weigh 105 pounds are you fat?


Hello I am a 13 year old female and am 5'4 and weigh 145 pounds am I considered fat and what is a healthy weight for me?

i think your fine I'm fifteen and i weigh 155.

If you are 10 and weigh 97 pounds are you fat?

no way!!!i am 10 and i weigh 100 pounds u are luckey

If you are 11 years old and weigh 121 pounds and is 5'6 is that fat?

At 5'6" 155 lbs and up is usually considered overweight. no

Are you fat if you are 14 years old and 5'5 and weigh 127 pounds?

No, infact acording to the chart I found, your slightly under the average weight for your height.(134-160 dependign on your body type.)

Am I fat I weigh 90 pounds and I am 5 feet tall?

I think I am fat

Am i fat if i weigh 120 pounds at 12 who is 5'4?

No, you are not.