No some people just don't get underarm hair.
yes, that normal just like all the girls in the word.
Yes. Both genders start to develop underarm hair and pubic hair during puberty.
Because it looks more attractive
Ya right!!
You go through growth,acne,pubic and underarm hair,greasy hair,breast growth,you get curvier, and,of course,your period
Underarm hair can be removed either by waxing or shaving. Generally, men do not remove their underarm hair, but women do, and tend to prefer to shave as waxing can be very painful.
You can't have one exact answer to that question because although some girls DO find it attractive, some girls do. You just have to find a girl who finds it attractive
Underarm hair begins to grow at around the age of 11-16 years old. Everyone develops differently and at different times.
Girls find long, clean hair attractive. They also think strength and fitness is attractive. They also like guys that smile and have nice eyes and ARE nice. Hope this Helps!
Women take great pains to present an attractive appearance. For American women, underarm hair and hair on legs is considered unattractive, so they usually shave it off. In some other countries, underarm hair is not viewed with such distaste, so it may not be shaven. /brian W