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I think brown hair suits all but to others it depends on hair and gender:


* Blonde hair and brown eyes is pretty.

* Brown hair and brown eyes is pretty with a triangular face.

* hair and brown eyes is georgeous from what I've heard.

* Black hair and brown eyes is ugly from others oppinion but I like it!

* Whitey-blonde hair and brown eyes is ugly from others oppinion but i disagree.


* Blonde hair and brown hair handsome from all oppinions.

* Brown hair and brown eyes is georgeous from all oppinions.

* Ginger hair and brown eyes depends on face to look good.

* Black hair and brown eyes is ugly from others oppinions unless you're Emo from others but I think it's lovely Emo or not!

* Whitey-blonde hair and brown eyes is really nice from everyone.

Hope I haven't effended anyone! XxxxXxxxX

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