Newborns may be fussy with their mom due to being more familiar with her scent and voice, which can sometimes lead to more frequent crying. This is a common behavior and does not necessarily indicate a preference for one parent over the other.
Her mom, step-dad, and newborn sister.
Babies may be fussy with their moms because they feel more comfortable expressing their needs and emotions with the person they are most attached to. This attachment is often stronger with the primary caregiver, who is usually the mother.
He should, or he's a cad for not doing this. Mom and Dad should share all the responsibilities of caring for the newborn equally, and that includes changing diapers. Treasure these moments - the kids will be grown and out of the house before you know it.
justin calls his mom mom and his dad dad
Barack is type AB, so there are several possibilities: Mom A, Dad B Mom B, Dad A Mom AB, Dad A Mom AB, Dad B Mom A, Dad AB Mom B, Dad AB Mom AB, Dad AB
"I held Mom and Dad's hands."
Fussy Francis Horrid Henry's Uncle
The proper way would be to said 'are mom and dad'.
Yes kanes dad is married to undertakers mom @_@
Santa has not said who his mom and dad are.
Her dad was Zeus and her mom is Dionne.