Babies throw things on the floor as part of their natural development and exploration of cause and effect. It helps them learn about their surroundings and develop their motor skills.
litter is the garbe and debris you throw on the floor that affects the ecosystem in a bad way.
Babies throw things as a way to explore cause and effect, test their physical abilities, and seek attention or a reaction from their caregivers. It is a normal part of their development and as they grow older and learn more about the consequences of their actions, this behavior tends to decrease.
Yes, babies will throw up I guarantee it
Yes, they did throw babies up in the air and shoot them with machine guns like a target.
after the babies are gone
Rumor has it that he was fired for his tendency to throw tantrums and punch walls.
Babies may engage in behaviors that lead to them making themselves throw up because they are exploring their environment and learning about cause and effect. They may not understand the consequences of their actions and are curious to see what happens when they put things in their mouth or overeat.
Im guessing you mean the worm-guys under the floor. You throw your boomerang at them.
Pharaohs order Hebrew parents to throw male babies in the river is because he was gay