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Parents should be concerned about bedwetting in children if it continues beyond the age of 5 or if it is accompanied by other symptoms such as pain or frequent urination. It is important to consult a healthcare provider to rule out any underlying medical conditions.

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Q: When should parents be concerned about bed wetting in children?
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When should parents be concerned about bedwetting in children?

Parents should be concerned about bedwetting in children if it continues past the age of 5 or if it is accompanied by other symptoms such as pain or frequent urination. It is important to consult a healthcare provider for further evaluation and guidance.

How can parents help their children in medical emergencies?

Children take their cue on how to behave from those around them. When parents are noticeably concerned, children's anxiety levels rise. Parents should remain as calm as possible to be fully present for their children.

Can general anesthetic cause bed wetting in children?

Bed wetting is a common side effect from general anesthetic in children. The effect should subside in 2-3 days.

Bedwetting In Children: Treatment Options?

Millions of children in the United States wet the bed each and every year. However, children do not have to suffer through this embarrassing problem without help. There are a number of treatment options as well as preventive steps that children and their parents can take in order to avoid bedwetting.Parents should consult a doctor about bed wetting during the child's next visit. While many young children may outgrow bed wetting, doctors may suggest treatments or other options. Doctors generally become concerned when children are still wetting the bed after they enter middle school. However, some doctors want to treat bed wetting earlier than this if the child has a family history of diabetes or some other medical conditions.Parents can help their children to stop wetting the bed by not giving the child soda pop before bed. Many parents also are able to limit the amount of liquids that their child consumes before going to sleep. Some children are able to stop wetting the bed when they receive chiropractic care or acupuncture. These treatment options may be effective for some children, while not effective for other children. Another option for many children and parents is prescription medication. DDAP is a drug that is used to treat children who wet the bed. This drug works by reducing the amount of water that a person needs to drink. It is extremely successful in patients who take the drug but the effects only last as long as the patient is using the medication.Many children simply have to wait until they grow out of their bed wetting. While it may be embarrassing to have to suffer with this problem, there are steps that parents can take to ensure that their child is not burdened by it. First, parents may have their child use diapers so that the child does not wake up during the night. Parents may also wake up their child during the night to use the restroom. Parents can also encourage their child to use a bed wetting alarm so that their child is woken when they start to wet the bed. However, the alarm may or may not work depending on how deeply a child sleeps.Many children want to stop wetting the bed. There are a number of treatment options available for children, however, not all of the treatments will work for each child. Some children simply have to keep trying different methods of treatment or wait until they outgrow wetting the bed.

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parents should DEFINENTLY correct their children or the kids might think it is fine and do it again

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No parents should stop telling there children waht to do after there 16 because the adults after 16. yes parents should stop telling there children waht to do after there 16 because the adults after 16.

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