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If a parent forgot to add their child to their dental insurance plan, they should contact their insurance provider as soon as possible to inquire about adding the child to the plan. They may need to provide the child's information and possibly pay any additional premiums or fees required for the coverage. It is important to address this issue promptly to ensure the child has access to dental care when needed.

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Q: What steps should be taken if a parent forgot to add their child to their dental insurance plan?
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Is a non custodial parent responsible for dental insurance?

This should be outlined in your custody and child support agreement. The custody agreement should specify which parent is required to provide medical and dental insurance. Some states even require that both parents provide insurance for the child if it's available. Check your custody agreement. If it does not specify which parent is required to provide the insurance, typically the custodial parent will pay the bill and the non-custodial parent will reimburse them for half.

Do I have dental insurance coverage?

To determine if you have dental insurance coverage, you should check with your insurance provider or review your insurance policy documents.

Why should one buy dental insurance?

You should purchase dental insurance because health insurance doesn't typically cover teeth. Many common dental procedures cost well over $1000, so having insurance is a must.

Does health in a divorce mean that you have to also provide dental and visual?

Usually health insurance means dental and vision coverage. Check with your lawyer if your employer does not offer either of those for alternatives. The coverage should be seamless so that the custodial parent has insurance available for the child as needed. Sending a copy of the card to that parent makes good sense.

When preventive dental work is done is it deducted from your insurance maximum?

Any payment for dental work depends on your insurance coverage because there are many different dental insurance policies. You should read through the information for your dental insurance policy. You could also contact the agent responsible for your dental insurance policy.

When should parents add their newborn to their dental insurance coverage?

Parents should add their newborn to their dental insurance coverage as soon as possible after birth to ensure that their child has access to necessary dental care and treatments.

What benefits does Aetna's dental insurance cover?

Dental insurance from Aetna should cover some basics such as yearly cleaning. It might depend state to state though. here is their site:

Where can one purchase cheap dental insurance?

To purchase cheap dental insurance one should visit insurance comparison sites such as Money Supermarket. Alternatively, get advice from the local doctor.

Is your dental insurance providing the coverage you need?

Most dental insurance plans cover routine maintaince and fillings for cavaties. This coverage should be suffiecient for the majority of people.

What can you do if your employer is changing dental plans and it is not accepted by your current dentist that is doing major dental work?

== == Your old plan should cover work started or you should request grace period from your employer, Contact insurance comapny and/or employer. To find companies in your state that provide dental insurance or dental discount plans, go to the National Association of Dental Plans site ( which has a directory of companies that offer dental insurance. The directory can be searched by state and you can select "individual" and get the list of just those companies that provide individual dental insurance in your state. The listing also tells you if the company provides dental HMO, dental PPO, dental indemnity (traditional insurance without a network) or a discount plan (not insurance but a discount off the dentist's fees who are part of the discount network).

How much should a filling replacement cost with no freezing and no dental insurance?

Your life

What should I know before having dental work done at a dental school in Texas?

You should know how much the dental work is going to cost. You should know how much of it your insurance is going to cover, and how much you have to pay yourself. Dental work can get very expensive.