Yes, it is normal for a 3-month-old to experience hair loss, known as telogen effluvium. This can be caused by hormonal changes, stress, or nutritional deficiencies. It is usually temporary and the hair will typically grow back.
first , the thermostat could be stuck. try replacing it. if your radiator OS losing coolant, there may be a leak in the radiator causing it to overheat, or the water pump could be bad. thermostat is the likely cause if it is not losing water.
It wouldn't be particularly normal, but there are all sorts of things that could be causing a headache that have nothing to do with having had an EEG, and only a doctor can check that out.
Some light may be on pulling power from the battery. Can also be a stuck relay. The new battery is possibly defective. Alternator can be weak.
If it is seriously out of control it can cause health problems. But being underweight could cause just as much problems. Normal weight is the best. If slightly overweight, losing weight may make you more self-confident!! Hope this helps!!
The 1986 4Runner could be losing mileage for several reasons. The engine could need a tune up. The fuel filter could need changing. The engine could have high mileage, causing lower fuel economy. Or the transmission could be slipping slightly.
Losing money, Losing passwords, losing personal details, the virus could crash your computer, and the hacker could use your computer to commit crimes such as DDoSing.
Depends what the pants is made of. If you farted on a lighter or match near your pants it could of burned and weakened the pants causing it to rip.
No. Nothing to do with it. Much more likely there is an air leak between pump and pressure tank, or pressure tank needs a new aircharge.
well a couple things could be wrong depending on what year. if it is a hydraulic lifter then the oil pressure might not be high enough for the oil to reach the lifter causing a knock. another problem could be that your rod and main bearings could be worn out causing a knock and low oil pressure.
AnswerYou probably have a bad turbo fan, they make this type of noise when the go. Are you losing power? if so then it is probably the turbos.
The 1999 Cadillac normal coolant temperature gauge reading should be 180 degrees. A 195 degrees thermostat could be used, causing the temperature gauge to read 195.