To help your child who is not potty trained yet, you can start by creating a consistent routine for bathroom breaks, offering positive reinforcement for successful attempts, and being patient and understanding throughout the process. It's important to avoid punishment for accidents and to provide gentle guidance and support as your child learns this new skill.
Good question! It's because they don't know anything yet.
I have owned and trained many dogs including in search and rescue. But I will say that my BMC is the smartest yet by far. potty trained in 1 day, crate potty trained in 4 days. He is 4 months old and sits,stays,lays down,shakes,high fives,speaks,heals,comes all with ease.
Potty Racers 3 is out there. google Potty Racers 3 to play.
Hello? Both boys AND girls pee in diapers. Babies are potty-trained yet, so how are they supposed to know?? It's just human nature!
Consistency and positive reinforcement are key in helping your 6-year-old with potty training. Encourage regular bathroom breaks, offer rewards for successful attempts, and remain patient and supportive throughout the process. Consulting with a pediatrician or child psychologist may also provide additional guidance and support.
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Sometimes unborn babies go potty, so you don't even have to be born yet.
Maybe s/he isn't potty trained yet. If he may not remember how to use the toilet. Perhaps there are mental, emotional, psychological issues. Perhaps he has a medical condition.
A baby need a diaper because it's body isn't able to tell when it needs to go to the bathroom yet, therefore a diaper is there to 'collect' any waste the baby might excrete before it's 'potty-trained' yet!!
Diapers are worn primarily by infants and toddlers who have not yet been potty-trained. The age at which potty-training occurs varies. Diapers come in different sizes to accommodate these different ages. Adult diapers are used by adults who are incontinent or those working in extreme conditions that don't allow them to use a toilet (such as astronauts).
Well puppies, usually those not potty trained yet, can pea in the house because they are excited. If you are playing with or talking sweetly to the dog, it will be come excited. Puppies are usually the ones to pea on the floor when excited or happy. If it's a male dog they will pea on the floor near or on you to mark you as their own and sometimes they just have to go to the bathroom. Is the dog potty trained? How long has it been since you have taken it out to the bathroom?