Watch that toddler very carefully.
The surreptitious toddler found a way to sneak my favorite watch into the garbage can during the night. The toddler surreptitiously dropped the watch in the garbage can.
Well usually it depends on the type of parent. Say my mother let me watch whatever I wanted but my friends mother only let her watch toddler films.
i can stop a toddler from running into a parking lot by holding their hands, keep them in the car if you have one or keep close watch to them
It's not illegal to watch rated R movies. You also don't need an adult to accompany you. However, some theaters have policy's where kids aren't allowed to watch them.
You can roll the ball,play peek a boo, play pat a cake, read them books, let the toddler color, let them watch TV, play tag outside, Also ask the toddler what he-she likes to play.
Yes it is because toddlers like colourful thing and if he talks that is better to watch toddler's.
Call poison control IMMEDIATELY. The toddler will likely be drunk because of the alcohol in the sanitizer. Give them lots of fluid to flush out their system, and watch for vomiting as well.
Well, if you take Chopin off the recorder and replace it with an updated version of You'll Accompany me by Bob Seger, everybody will be jumping around. ========================= Note: the spelling of Seger is correct.
Yes, a parent or guardian.
then she probably wants to watch a movie haha