depends where your using the electric toothbrush! ! :)
An electric toothbrush typically uses around 1-2 watts of power while in use. This is a low power consumption compared to other household devices.
Sonicare electric toothbrush are sold in your local stores. You can also ask your dentist if he or she can provide you free Sonicare electric toothbrush. You can also use your Medicare or free shopping coupons to buy one.
You can use any electric toothbrush as long as the motor spins fast enough to keep the needle moving fast enough to penetrate the skin. The best motors are out of crest tootbrushes.
The chemical energy of the battery in your toothbrush is turned into radiant energy (heat), and kinetic energy (movement).
use your finger or get a electric toothbrush put it inside a gloves and tickle yourself
Some benefits of an ultrasonic toothbrush over a regular toothbrush include that you get a better clean because an automatic toothbrush such as the ultrasonic can average thousands of strokes per minute more than a regular toothbrush. Another advantage is that it is easier for people with arthritis to use an electric toothbrush over a regular one.
An Interplak toothbrush is an electric powered toothbrush. The head rotates so that one can brush their teeth the same as they do when using a standard toothbrush. The head will polish the teeth and get in those hard to brush places.
An electric toothbrush operates upon the same principle as the "VIBARTOR" (please check your spelling?)
An electric toothbrush should have no adverse effect on your veneers. If your veneers come off, there is something wrong with either the veneer, the adhesive used to attach the veneer to the tooth, or the tooth itself.
A cordless toothbrush, a battery operated electric clock and an electric flash light could be in this group of house hold items.
trust me you won't be elerctricuted i have a oral b vitality best brush for 30 dollars ever!