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how do you even know you're pregnant? not all unprotected sex results in a pregnancy.

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Q: You had unprotected sex on october 12 how far along iare you?
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How far along are you your last period was October 3rd its December 15th?

about 5-6 weeks

If you get pregnant on August 17 and today is October 22 how far along are you?

Two months and 5 days.

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if you are far along in your pregnancy mucus is normal.. nasty but normal if your not to far along contact your doctor

If you are 28 weeks 6 days EDD 25 June had unprotected sex September protected sex October 5th which one is the father?

if the condom broke no idea but I'd go with the un protected one and it would be the one in october since based on a 9 month pregnancy there are 36 weeks now subtract 28 and you get 8 weeks that are left, so 50 days minus the 6 days that you are talking about so this brings us back only so far as october there is not enough time to go back as far as September

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Mariah Carey is 6 months along

What is a pregnancy calculator?

It tells you how far along you are.

How far along is pink?

13 weeks

How do you know how far gone you are in your pregnancy?

they count the two weeks before you concieved when calculating how far along you are, so really it should be from the first day of your last period to now, that will tell you how far along you are! :)

You took 3 pregnancy test they came up positive but did ultra sound and seen nothing?

it depends on how far along you are supposed to be. How far along are you supposed to be??