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Q: Would a good baseline plan have helped to make up time?
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Which baselines typically make up the performance measurement baseline?

Schedule Scope Cost

What is 0.42 as a percent?

to make decimal into percentage, you move the decimal 2 places to the right. so 0.42 would be 42% .4 would be 40% also it's the same for the percentage to be in decimal, but the opposite. move the decimal 2places to the left. 42% would be .42 9.7% would be .097 i hope it helped you :)

Is the difference between the price of a good and the cost to make the good on a per product basis and it is usually expressed as a percentage?

_____ is the difference between the price of a good and the cost to make the good, on a per product basis; and, it is usually expressed as a percentage.

What are the complementary colors of each primary color?

Red Blue and yellow are the primary colours. Red and blue make purple. Red and Yellow make orange. Blue and yellow make green. So the complementry colours are Purple Green and Yellow Hope it helped :)

Why are percents useful in making comparisons?

OK, now I don't know how old you are to be asking some thing like this, but the reason for this is so that when you are comparing some thing in high detail it is can be easier to do it in percent. For example if your comparing very small numbers like 18.059% you can make it more detailed. And for on-line ratings, you can use percent instead of a fraction to make it easier, such as 87% good feed backhope I helped :DBecause in today's world things are usually compared by percentages, for example, out of 400 people surveyed only 100 gave their answer. Then you would take 100 and divide it by 400 to get a percentage. Then you would be able to say out of 400 people surveyed only 25% gave their answer. Take for example the polls on Fox News. they usually have a question for the day and by the end of the day they can say out of 46,000 people taking the survey only 25% say Obama is doing a good job; 30% say he is not doing a good job and 45% have no comment. So you can see percentages are used everyday for millions of comparisons.

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In tennis what is the difference between a baseline player and a volley or serve player?

a baseline player, literally keeps the ball at the baseline. he focuses on keeping hr depth of the ball very deep into the court, near the baseline. this can be a good tactic, or a very bad one.. depending on the situation. and serve and volley, once again literally: serves and sprints to the net. they make the serve so explosive in force, that when they find themselves done with the serving motion, theyre halfway into the court, and have no choice but to play at the net. hope this helped

Which baseline typically make up the performance measurement baseline?

Schedule Scope Cost

How do you feel about volunteering?

I feel it would be a good thing to do, if you have time

Is starmie a good Pokemon to use in battle?

Yes. Make it a Special Attacker and a good moveset for it would be Thunderbolt, Icebeam, Surf, and Recover. Hope this helped!

What three indicators would make a good universal indicator?

Well, there are the three main ones which are neutral, acids, alkaliHope this helped :)

Why is a parallax measurement is easier to make if the baseline is longer?

Better depth perception.

What would make a good insulator?

A nonmetal would make a good insulator.

Which baselines typically make up the performance measurement baseline?

Schedule Scope Cost

What is an interrupted baseline in the ECG?

An interrupted baseline in an ECG refers to an irregularity in the tracing that occurs when the baseline is not smooth and continuous due to various factors such as interference, patient movement, or improper lead placement. It can make the interpretation of the ECG difficult and may require correction or repositioning of the electrodes to obtain a clear recording.

How did studying the human body help Greek artists make their statues look real?

It helped them because they could get everything anatomically correct. They would be better able to make the legs right and the arms and the face, and pretty much make the statue look real.

What are advantages of chipboard?

The advantages are that is is cheap, easy to make and is a good, hard wood hope I helped :)

What sentence is for these words lunar eclipse sun earth?

a lunar eclipse blocked the sun from the earth. That would make a pretty good sentence for those three words, hope that helped