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Q: Will mov instruction move the data or copy the data?
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Program to find GCF and LCM of 2 numbers in 8086?

This is my program, and it works with all no.s except multiples of 2. org 100h MOV CX,0000H MOV DS,CX MOV SS,CX MOV SI,5000H MOV DI,5002H MOV [ DS:SI ],10H MOV [ DS:DI ],20H MOV SP,600FH MOV BX,[ DS:SI ] CMP BX,[ DS:DI ] JZ E1 JC SMALL THIK: MOV BX,0001H OK: MOV AX,[ DS:SI ] MOV DX,0000H DIV BX CMP DX,0000H JZ L1 L2: INC BX CMP [ DS:DI ],BX JC HCF JMP OK SMALL: MOV AX,[ DS:DI ] MOV [ DS:DI ],BX MOV [ DS:SI ],AX JMP THIK L1: MOV AX,[ DS:DI ] DIV BX CMP DX,0000H JNZ L2 PUSH BX INC CX JMP L2 HCF: MOV AX,0001H AGAIN: POP BX MUL BX DEC CX JNZ AGAIN LCM: MOV BX,AX MOV AX,[ DS:SI ] MUL [ DS:DI ] DIV BX E1 : INC DI INC DI MOV [ DS:DI ],AX ret

How do you convert mpg into mov?

The 'Moving Picture Experts Group' (MPEG) is a working group of experts that was formed by ISO and IEC to set standards for audio and video compression and transmission.[1] It was established in 1988 and its first meeting was in May 1988 in Ottawa, Canada.[2][3][4] As of late 2005, MPEG has grown to include approximately 350 members per meeting from various industries, universities, and research institutions. MPEG's official designation is ISO/IEC JTC1/SC29 WG11 - Coding of moving pictures and audio (ISO/IEC Joint Technical Committee 1, Subcommittee 29, Working Group 11). You try to convert mpg into mov, right? You do that for your Mac? If you need import mpg to mac, just convert mpg to mov, you can find many video converter applications which can import mpg and other format videos and generate mov/other formats videos for Mac OS.

Related questions

What is the ful form of mov?

The full form of MOV is "Move." In programming, MOV is an instruction that moves data from one location to another within the computer's memory or between different components of the computer.

Can Mov used in 8085 for immediate data transfer?

No, not at all this instruction MOV can not be used for immediate data transfer. You will need to use command MVI Rd, 8 Bit Data for immediate data transfer.

What do mean by operands in microprocessor?

An opcode is a single instruction in assembly language. An operand is the data it does something with.For example, in "MOV r0, #0C", MOV is the opcode ("move this value into this register"), while r0 (register 0) and #0C (the number 12) are operands.

What type of data does MOV store?

In x86, a MOV instruction can store bytes (8-bit quantities), words (16-bit quantities), and double-words (32-bit quantities). In AT&T syntax, the type of data being stored is determined by a suffix at the end of the instruction: movb - move byte movw - move word movl - move double-word (also called a long) In Intel syntax - which doesn't use these suffixes - the data type is determined from context by looking at the names of the registers specified in the operands. A MOV instruction referring to %eax, for example, would store a double-word (since %eax is a 32-bit register).

What is the different between MOV and MVI in 8085?

In the 8085 microprocessor, the MOV instruction copies data between two registers, or between a register and memory. The MVI instruction differs only in that the source data is contained in the byte immediately following the opcode byte.

How data transfer operation is done in 8085 micro processor?

Data transfer in the 8085 microprocessor can be done with the help of several instructions like the MOV,MVI,OUT and IN . Lets say, we want to move the contents of a register R1 to register R2, then we could use the instruction MOV R2,R1 ; and so on...

Why mov R1R2 is invalid instruction?

mov r1r2 is invalid instruction because of there is no communication with ALU in its operation;

Specify the opcode and operand in the instruction MOV HL?

mov H , L mov is opcode H L are operands

What is the MOV instruction of microcontroller PIC16F877A?

•The mov instruction carries out assignment in 8086 assembly language. •It which allows us place a number in a register or in a memory location (a variable) i.e. it assigns a value to a register or variable. Example: Store the ASCII code for the letter A in register bx.•A has ASCII code 65D (01000001B, 41H) •The following mov instruction carries out the task:•mov bx, 65d•We could also write it as:•mov bx, 41h•or mov bx, 01000001b•or mov bx, 'A'

What is 1 byte instruction in microprocessor?

1byte instruction = MOV A,B 2byte instruction = MVI A,01H 3byte instruction = STA 2030H

Which instruction in 8086 microprocessor is 6 bytes long?


What does this assembly code MOV FFE2?

Syntax error: incomplete instruction.