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Q: Will happen if change the data type from currency to text in terms of calculations?
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What will happen if you change the data type from currency to text in terms of calculations?

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What does Refer mean in currency terms?

In currency terms, "refer" typically means to either defer or defer judgment on a transaction to another entity or authority for further review or action. This can happen when a transaction is flagged for potential issues or concerns that require additional scrutiny.

How much is one currency?

There is no price for one currency. Currencies are traded in pairs and the price is for one currency in terms of the other currency.

What is The value of a foreign nations currency in terms of the home nations currency?

Exchange Rate.

What is Quint in currency terms?

a type of money

What does breaking up a solid reactant into finer pieces do to it in terms of how it reacts?

When breaking up a solid reactant into finer pieces, what will happen is that the rate of reaction will increase. This is really the only major change that will happen in terms of how it will react.

What 1 pips terms means in currency trading?

A pip is the smallest unit in currency trading.

What expresses the price of one's nation's currency in terms of another nation's currency?

exchange rate

What are exchangs rates?

Exchange rate is the rate at which one currency is exchanged for another.It is the price of one currency in terms of another currency.

How many different ways to make 1.85?

If you mean, calculations that result in 1.85, there are infinitely many ways to do this; for example, infinitely many of each of the following:* additions * subtractions * multiplications * divisions * Combinations of several of the above * Etc.

What is a Hundredth of a pound?

In terms of currency it is one penny. In terms of weight there is no special term.

Is the exchange rate is the price of one nations currency in terms of another nations currency?

Yes, that is correct.