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You were lying in bed.

The way I remember is that objects lay, people lie! Hope this helps!

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Q: Which is correct you were lying in bed or laying in bed?
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Lying in bed or laying in bed?

It is laying in bed

A person is lying on the bed gazing at the ceiling what position is she laying in?

The "supine" position is a person laying on the back facing upwards

Is I am just right here lying next to you OR laying next to you the correct phrase?

The correct phrase is "I am just right here lying next to you." "Lying" is used when someone is resting or reclining, while "laying" is the present participle of "to lay," which means to put or place something down.

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The correct grammar is "After the hurricane, trees were lying all over the ground." "Lying" is the correct verb form to use in this context to describe the action of trees being in a horizontal position on the ground.

Is it were laying or were lying?

That depends on the usage. For example, both of these are correct:He had been lying on the sofa for two hours.He was laying his clothes on the sofa while he watched the game.

Proper usage of laying?

'Laying' is the present participle of 'lay' and as such is a transitive verb. That means that it must have an object, whether stated or implied. For example: 'My hens have been laying very few eggs recently.' 'He was laying the table for dinner a few minutes ago.' 'The president will be laying down her power at the end of her term of office.' 'They are laying odds of 5 to 1 on that horse.' 'The hens are laying well' (the object 'eggs' is understood). 'I'm laying on that horse to win in this race' (the object 'a bet' is understood). 'We are just laying her on the bed till she feels better.' 'Laying' should not be confused with 'lying', which is intransitive. For example: 'She was lying on the bed till she felt better', not 'She was laying on the bed till she felt better.'

Is it laying or lying next to something?

The correct word would depend on the context: "Laying" is the present participle of the verb "to lay," used when something is being placed down. "Lying" is the present participle of the verb "to lie," used when someone or something is in a horizontal position.

What is another way to spell laying?

There is only one correct spelling "laying" (putting down or putting out). It is the gerund form of to lay. The gerund form of to lie (down) is lying.

What images would be the best way to remember the definition of lethargy?

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How do you spell laying?

That is the correct spelling of "laying" (verb to lay) and can be used to mean a bird or animal laying eggs, laying carpet, or laying something down.The other form of lay is as the past tense of the verb to lie (down), which forms lying down.

Is it laying or lying?

"Lying" is appropriate when referring to someone or something in a reclining position. "Laying" is used when placing or putting something down.

What is the difference between lying down and laying down?

"Lying down" is the act of reclining or resting in a horizontal position, whereas "laying down" refers to the action of placing something down. The correct term to use when referring to placing oneself horizontally is "lying down."