In math, the LCD means the Lowest Common Denominator.
LCD means lowest common denominator which is needed when adding or subtracting fractions that have different denominators.
28% means, 28/100 = 7/25 -----------Just factor out a 4
percent means out of 100, so: 12% = 12/100 = 3/25 (dividing top and bottom by 4).
It means that is circulated. Since it is only graded MS63 it is not the highest grade but also not the lowest grade in the Mint State(MS) category.
It means that you exceeded you marked goal.
It means that you exceeded you marked goal.
Crickets are a first order consumer. This means that they consume the organisms at the lowest trophic level which is the producers.
It means a dental assistant who is just starting out either as a new graduate, or new to an organization and starting out at the lowest level.It means a dental assistant who is just starting out either as a new graduate, or new to an organization and starting out at the lowest level.It means a dental assistant who is just starting out either as a new graduate, or new to an organization and starting out at the lowest level.It means a dental assistant who is just starting out either as a new graduate, or new to an organization and starting out at the lowest level.It means a dental assistant who is just starting out either as a new graduate, or new to an organization and starting out at the lowest level.It means a dental assistant who is just starting out either as a new graduate, or new to an organization and starting out at the lowest level.
if can't sleep with 20 minutes means you have exceeded the limit of stress if you can't forget something after 3 days means you have exceeded the limit of stress
The word exceeded is the past participle of "exceed" which means "to go beyond." Some example sentences with the word exceeded would be:The runner exceeded all expectations by winning the gold.Unfortunately, the price of the house exceeded the amount of money I had.The driver exceeded the speed limit, and so was pulled over by the police.If you were to say for example 'i have exceeded my goal;' it means you have reached your goal and gone beyond.Basically it means to do more of something than planed or:1. Be greater in number or size than (a quantity, number, or other measurable thing).2. Go beyond what is allowed or stipulated by (a set limit, esp. of one's authority).
It means the maximum. It is a value that may be reached but cannot be exceeded.
It means that you exceeded the 65mph posted speed limit.
"Went beyond your ken" means it exceeded your knowledge or understanding.
The lowest energy level of an atomic orbital corresponds to the electron being closer to the nucleus, where it experiences a stronger attraction and lower potential energy. As the electron moves farther away from the nucleus, it reaches higher energy levels due to increased distance and weaker attraction.
Certain medications have different concentrations in the blood depending on the time of day. A morning trough level means that the medication has the lowest blood concentration in the morning and the doctor wants to see what that level is at that point in time.
The parole systems is the means for returning prison inmates to society, yet keep them under the supervision of the state's DOC. It is the lowest level of prison custody.