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Q: What is the purpose of micrtosoft word?
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What are the Differences between Purpose and Goal?

The two words are synonymous and can often be used interchangably. The only difference is in usage. When you say "my purpose is" you sound a lot more focused than when you say "my goal is." In the first you are practically saying that your reson for existence is to accomplish something, and in the second you are just saying this is what you are shooting for... it doesn't indicate how serious you are about it. The word goal is used frivilously more often than the word purpose in a similar context.

What is the purpose of a number line?

the purpose of a number line is to help math.

Does function and purpose mean the same thing?

No, for function is it's actual ability of doing something while it's purpose it what it is intended to do.

What is the purpose of a JRE download?

The purpose of a JRE download is to save a particular file in a computer or hard drive. Files can include, but are not limited to , music, pictures, and videos.

What is the use of qbasic?

BASIC is an acronym which means... (B)eginner's (A)ll-purpose (S)ymbollic (I)nstruction (C)ode As a part of the name already implies: (A)ll-purpose/QBASIC is a 'general purpose' programming language; which may be used to write all different sorts of programs, including... -games -noughts & crosses/tic tac toe -databases -maths -english -random poetry -guess the number -random graphics -musical notes -etc. This is in direct comparison to certain other programming languages which were designed to do only one main task alone; such as... FORTRAN/main purpose: Science/Maths COBOL/main purpose: Business LOGO/main purpose: Graphics HTML/main purpose: Write/present web pages -etc.