Each person has an individual code, you will need to buy the game to get it.
Blockland generate key online: infiles.org/blockland/
First you must purchase Blockland. If you entered your Email correctly, then you can find the code there.
You have to buy the game dude!!! Or.... Butt?
Try retyping the code into the space where it is required. If that doesn't work, try to get the code resent to your email address.
Generate key online: infiles.org/blockland/
You have to buy Blockland to get the code.
This code is required if you want to play Blockland.
Blockland generate key online: infiles.org/blockland/
You have to buy Blockland and enter the code you get to play online.
You have to buy the game in order to get a code is a stupid answer i have to say i cant find the code my self but i found lots of cool cheats for blockland on www.gamewiners.com
A Blockland authorization key is a unique code that allows you to unlock the full version of the Blockland game. It is typically purchased when you download the game and serves as a license to access all its features and content.
It allows people to have the full version of Blockland instead of the free trial.
Buy the Full Version of Blockland..Thats the only way to remove the brick limit.
You download Blockland onto the computer that you want it on and then type in you authentication code.
Just tell me the code
Blockland is a freeform, online multiplayer game. It focuses around build things with a selection of bricks for whatever purpose. It has many features, such as an input/output events system, an add-on system for adding weapons, vehicles, scripts, etc., and even a brick physics system for blowing stuff up. You can make anything, from and RPG, to a deathmatch, to a simple building server. You can play the frre demo, which limits you to 150 bricks, and disables online play. Or, you can pay 20 dollars for the full version.
No, by giving you there key code, that person will no longer be able to play Blockland themselves.