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Q: What is the following key used for afterwards?
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Is the word afterwards a preposition?

Yes, "afterwards" is an adverb, not a preposition. It is used to indicate a time that is after a particular event or period.

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We explicitly choose a primary key.A primary key should satisfy the following conditions: 1) it should not be null 2) it should be unique.

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What part of speech is the word afterwards?

"Afterwards" is an adverb. It is used to indicate something that happens after a particular time or event.

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It means the key signature of the following music is in the key of F major of D minor

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Candidate key and primary key differnece?

All Primary keys are definitely Candidate Keys. A Candidate key is one which can be used as a Primary key that is not null and unique. That is one of the candidate keys can be chosen as a primary key.A Candidate key is a Unique Key and it can be used to find out any particular Tuple (row) in a table. The following are the differences between A Candidate key and a Primary Key: 1) A Unique key can be null but not a Primary key 2) On a table we can have only 1 primary key but 'N' number of unique keys.

Is afterwards a connective?

"Afterwards" is not a connective in the traditional sense; it is an adverb used to indicate time. It is not used to link ideas or sentences together in the way connectives like "and," "but," or "however" are.