Sort ascending lists a group of items in order, starting with the smallest quantity first. Sort descending - is the reverse - starting with the largest, and ending with the smallest.
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Training in Excel: Learning to use excel can be overwhelming with the number of options that exist to allow you take sort, manage, filter, and otherwise use data you have gathered. Taking the time to learn some of the most important features in Excel can make it less overwhelming.Sorting data is an easy way to check your data. It allows you to:-Check to make sure you don’t have duplicate entries-Reorder items alphabetically when you add new data-Sort by any column, so you can compare multiple types of data-for example, you can sort keywords by competition and search volume to figure out which ones have the least competition for the most searches.-Sort vertically or horizontally.How to sort data in excel:1. Highlight the columns you want to sort. Either select the items by hand by highlighting the whole column with your mouse or select whole columns at the top using the letters. You can sort just one column or as many columns as you want. If you have multiple columns but are not sorting them all your data will be out of order.2. After highlighting, select data at the top of your screen, then sort from the drop down menu.3. In the sort screen you have the option to sort multiple times. You only need to choose one, but it is useful to sort multiple times. For example, you could sort names of donors to your non profit by the amount they have donated and then alphabetically by name of donor.Sorting with multiple columns also allows you to sort by zip code, area code, etc. You can sort to check and see who on your mailing list is mail only or email only (alll blank fields will be at the top or bottom of your list if you sort by email, for example).To sort horizontally:In the sort text box select options and then change the option top to bottom to sort left to right.Hide columns:You can hide columns by highlighting the column(s) you want to hide, right clicking, and selecting hide. This does not delete the columns, but does make it easier to compare two columns side by side .
You use the relevant formula.
You can also use the Collections.sort() method to sort values in an array list. You can also use the Comparable Interface or Comparators for providing custom implementations of sorting algorithms for values inside an ArrayList.
It is used as the unique identifier for each record and is used to sort the data