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To do things right is to do them correctly. Example: Spelling the word "right" correctly.

To do ritht things is to practice ancient magicks from the discipline of the Red Priests of Ritht - the goddess of slaughtering unborn animals. Many of these rituals involve complex symbology, difficult to obtain material components, and somatic components that often take on the form of poems written by the ancient WIZEN of the Red Priests' earliest history. Despite many of these rituals pertaining to the drainage of life from creatures, inflicting suffering upon animals, and growing gruesome protuberances on one's own body; the poems the WIZEN wrote tended to be about the weather, current events of the time (sometime between 1282-1354 AD), and family politics. Some contemporaries of the Red Priests' studies contend that their works were wildly misinterpreted sometime in the 1980s at the height of the Dungeons and Dragons craze.

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