When you copy, the original is left where it is.
When you move, the file is first copied, then deleted from the original location.
Insert means to put something in while copy means to take something and make a replica of it Insert means to put something in while copy means to take something and make a replica of it
Cut will take the original away, and Paste onto the destination. Copy take a copy of the original, and paste onto the destination. The difference is the original object (the text, the file, the folder, etc) remain in tack (no alternation) for Copy, the original be moved (the Cut)
When you do a save, the changes are applied to the document you originally opened. When you do a 'save as', you have to choose a name and a location where a copy of the document will be saved; this copy will have changes you are currently making to the document. You can then exit the document without saving, and your original document is unchanged. The copy that you 'save as' is still intact, with changes. You can also do a 'save as' without making any changes, just to have another copy of the document existing with a new name and/or location.
Move - it is like "cut" as in you move it and you don't have the document you moved in the folder you moved it from. Copy - You can copy and paste all you want and make many, many copies of the document and not lose it. What I'm trying to say is that move is like, the exact opposite of copy. *If you move, it remains to be one document. If you copy, it doesn't remain to be one document, you can make as many as you want, if you have enough memory. Btw, sorry if my explaination was too long and if you can't understand it well. I'm not really good at it, I'm still practising.
Use the FUP COPY command to move data one record at a time. COPY allows you to copy part of a file, and to copy records to and from devices other than disks,including tape drives, printers, and terminals. COPY also allows you to change file types by copying a file of one type into a target file of a different type. Use the FUP LOAD command to move data into a structured file. Data is transferred one record at a time from the source file and moved one block at a time into the destination file. The LOAD command has these advantages: • Loading files does not affect alternate-key values.Because data is written a block at a time, • LOAD is faster than COPY.
The difference between moving text and copying text is that when you move the text, it is gone from the original spot. When you copy text, the text also stays in the original spot and then also gets copied to a new spot.
copying means creating a duplicate copy of the text. moving means removing the text from one place to another
If you copy, you still have the original text and now have a new copy that you may want to put somewhere else. You would use Copy and Paste for this. If you move text, you still only have one version of the text, but it is now in a new location. For this you would use Cut and Paste.
The copy command creates a duplicate of the selected content in the new location, such that there are now two copies of the content, while the move command moves the content from the original location into the new location, such that only one copy of the content still exists after moving.
soft copy is nothing but file or image,savable copy to system, hard copy is nothing but physical copy
a hard copy is a printed out version of the document you are working on hope that helps :)
Copy leaves the information in its original location and makes another copy of the information when you use Paste. But in moving it removes the information and pastes it to another location.
wat is pckup
What is difference between attested and self attested
nothinggo to http://www.microsoft.com/exPress/download/ and download it for freenote: this is the 2008 edition. it is a complete difference from visual basic 6
Special copy allows you to copy only specifc aspects instead of copying all formatting and formulas of a cell.