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Q: What is the average flow rate of a bathtub faucet?
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How many liters run from a faucet In a minute?

Faucet flow rates can vary, but a typical household faucet in the US might flow at a rate of 2.2 gallons per minute, which is approximately 8.3 liters per minute.

How many gallons of water does a faucet use?

On average, a faucet can use about 1.5 to 2.2 gallons of water per minute when running. This can vary depending on the flow rate of the faucet and whether it is a standard faucet or a water-efficient model.

When you let water into a bathtub what type of machine helps you open the tap?

A faucet or valve is what you use to control the flow of water into a bathtub, sink, or any other plumbing fixture. It allows you to regulate the rate at which the water enters the tub by either turning a knob or lever to open or close the tap.

When brushing your teeth how many gallons is used in 1 minute?

Zero, unless you needlessly leave the faucet running while you brush. In that case, it completely depends on the flow rate of your faucet.

If you drained a 1 by 5 foot bathtub that was completely full and the faucet was running too how full would it be if you stopped it after 5 minutes?

You provide the dimensional data of the container (bath tub) but no information on the diameter of the outlet or the flow rate of the incoming water. Therefor your question is meaningless and cannot be answered.

How do you set the water flow on a kitchen faucet?

Curious.....why would it matter? Are you talking the Aerator flow rate? These rates are stamped in the aerator. No control is required unless you were using the kitchen faucet for scientific purposes where water flow rates were crucial, or you lived somewhere where water was very scarce and the police enforced flow rates.

You left your water running seven hours how many gallons did that waste?

To know for certain, you'd need to measure your water flow from your faucet at the rate it was turned on, but if its a newer faucet, then if you have pretty good water pressure (60 psi), the faucet will only flow at 2.2 gallons per minute. Thus if you had the faucet fully open for seven hours you may have wasted as much as 92 gallons.

What is a low flow fixture?

A low flow fixture is a plumbing fixture, such as a showerhead or faucet, that is designed to reduce water consumption by restricting the flow rate of water. This helps to conserve water and reduce water usage without sacrificing performance.

What is the average blood flow rate of monkey?

It depends on the type of monkey

How many gallons of water does a kitchen faucet use?

The faucet itself does not use any water. The rate at which the water leaves the faucet is dependent on the make of the faucet.

How much does a sink take of water for washing hands?

A sink typically uses about 1 to 2 gallons of water to wash hands, depending on the flow rate of the faucet and the duration of the handwashing. It is recommended to turn off the faucet while lathering and scrubbing to conserve water.

What is the average blood flow rate?

An average blood flow rate with a rested adult should be at 5000 ml/min. However, with excessive and and heavy exercise it is expected that blood flow rate through the body would increase by at least 5 or 6 times the normal amount. Cardiac output is a term described by the amount of blood pumping through a heart at a given minute.