An applet is a small program module which runs under the control of a larger application, for example a web browser.
Applet is an executable file that is automatically downloaded when we open a browser. Swing applications can operate on local data when the network is not there.
Applet: It is run on browser, i mean client side. Servlet: It is run on server, i mean server side.
Applet is a part of Core JAVA and Servlet of Advance Java. Applet is client side program and Servlet is Server side. When Applet runs it take the resources of client whereas Servlet is processed at server. An Applet's class, jar files can be accessed and downloadable by client but not so in case of servlet. Applets can run under any web browser their execution is dependent on Client as they require JRE Whereas Servlets do not require any thing specific at client side, as they require java enabled web/application Server. Dilpreet Singh (SCJP,OCA 9i) main difference is that a servlet is a server side component while applet is a client side component, moreover, a servlet doesn't have GUI while applet have GUI. A servlet runs inside a server and results are sent to client, so it consumes less network bandwidth, and also secure, while applet runs on client side in a browser, so entire code for applet is 1st sent to client and then it is executed on the client machine itself, so it also consumes more network bandwidth.
Java Applet is an application designed to transmit on internet to execute on java compatible browsers. Java Servlet is a server side program used to provide services to clients.
There is nothing called DOS applet.. You can run Java applet from DOS..
Any Java class that extends java.applet.Applet is an applet.
Because an applet runs in a browser, and in this context the one in charge of the launch and execution of the applet is the Java Plug-in software in the browser. This plugin controls the applet life cycle through methods in our applet. These methods are init, start, stop and destroy. In this case the methods that the plugin search to begin the execution of the applet are init (to initialize itself) and start (to start the execution of the task in the applet).
QuakeNet has its own webchat applet named 'qwebirc'. Preferably using their own applet. Information about their applet can be found on their website. A direct link to incorporating a client hosted on their server follows, Incorporating their applet on your own server is possible too, by installing their applet's source code on your server. A direct link to the source code for the applet can be found at
By Embedding it into a HTML page, create a new file with the extension .html (like app.html) insert following code: No Java 2 SDK, Standard Edition v 1.4.2 support for APPLET!! Adjust the code for your applet file (can't help there i am not a java programmer) or just use : No Java 2 SDK, Standard Edition v 1.4.2 support for APPLET!! but i recommend the first because the applet tag is deprecated and not supported in XHTML
There is nothing called DOS applet..
An applet is a Java application, this saves files in a .class extension
applets are small programs that can be run on a browser's window or an applet viewer.
Once you have made the applet, you need to make an HTML file to launch the applet. Search google for examples, it's only about 3 lines of code
An applet is a software component that runs in the context of another program, for example a web browser. An applet enables my safari browser to translate certain files (images) at a windows only based website. Without the java applet my computer could not read them.
There is a visible flicker when viewing the applet. This is usually caused by an applet that utilizes a lot of processing power but is not threaded, hence the entire program runs on one processing thread.