In 2010 (unless congress changes the law), the maximum per spouse is $5000 if under age 50 at year end and $6000 if 50 or older at year end.
HOWEVER, there are quite a few additional variables. For instance, if either spouse participates in an employer-sponsored plan during the year, then there are income restrictions on how much of that is deductible - if you make over a certain amount, you don't get to deduct some or all of the contribution. That's for a Traditional IRA. For a Roth IRA you don't deduct the contribution in any case, and it has higher income restrictions and contribution to an employer sponsored plan is irrelevant. Whether you file separately or jointly also impacts how much you can deduct. Also, you can only contribute earned income, so if you made less than $10,000 as a couple, you cannot contribute the full $5000 each to an IRA (even on a non-deductible basis.
The above list of variables is not comprehensive. Although I understand many of the rules, I don't feel qualified to try to put together such a list. I'd recommend contacting a financial planner, estate planner or accountant (depending on your exact situation) unless you have some other resource that you feel confident addresses your specific situation. For many couples, it is in fact as simple as you can each contribute $5000.
An Ira caulator is used to find out how much money you will gain in the future with money that you invest now. By using your monthly contribution, years until retirement and estimated annual inflation you can get a realistic prediction of how much money you will get from your investment in the future. However be carefull for there are two kinds of Ira caculators a regualr Ira and a Roth Ira, research what type of Ira is best for you and do not go by just the caculator alone.
The number changes almost every year. To calculate your maximum contribution for 2009, first take the SMALLER of the following two numbers: 1) $5000 (or $6000 if you are age 50 or over). 2) Your taxable compensation income for the year. Compensation income is wages, commissions, tips, net self-employment, and alimony. Then subtract the amount you contributed to a traditional IRA for the same year from the number above. For 2009, if you are single and your Modified Adjusted Gross Income exceeds $105,000 or if you are married filing jointly and it exceeds $166,000, then there are further limitations. If you are married filing separately, there is an even more severe limitation.
2010 Simple limits will remain the same as in 2009. With the 2010 contribution limit now attached to a cost-of-living index, the Simple IRA limit will remain at $11,500. In addition to the above, 2010 simple IRA catch-up contributions are $2,500. Catch-up contributions are allowed to participants 50-years old and older to increase the level of contributions as they grow closer to retirement.
The calculator is used to calculate the benefits if anything between your normal IRA when you decide to a roth IRA. Roth IRA varies from normal IRA but both are unique to your financial situation.
A Roth IRA calculator will allow you to compare a Roth IRA and a traditional IRA to help you best determine which option you need to be doing to meet your retirement needs.
Maximum IRA contribution is $5,000 or your taxable salary, whichever is less. If you are over 50, you can add an additional amount of $1,500 for a total of $6,500.
For those over the age of 50 , 6,500 is the Roth IRA maximum contribution limit. The limit is lower at 5,550 for those under 50. These numbers are for both traditional and Roth IRA's combined.
There is one main difference between a 401k and a Roth IRA. The maximum contribution limit for a 401k is about three times that of an IRA.
The cost of living adjustments have been made to the 2013 Roth IRA maximum contributions. If you are above 50 the maximum amount you can contribute is $6500.
The $5,000 annual IRA contribution limit is per customer. You maximum contribution amount is determined by adding contributions to all of your IRA accounts (both traditional and Roth).
For the year 2012, the most one can contribute to an IRA is $5000 a year for those 49 or younger. Those who are 50 or older, the maximum contribution is $6000 per year.
The 2009 traditional IRA and Roth IRA contribution limits for those eligible to contribute to these IRA's is $5000 for those under age 50 and $6000 for those aged 50 and over. These are the the maximum combined totals you can contribute to both types of accounts.
There are several traditional IRA rules that apply to the IRA or an IRA account. These rules include restrictions on age (how old you need to be to apply for an IRA), maximum contribution limits, withdrawal limits, and tax deductibility.
The contribution limit of Roth IRA one can make yearly differs depending on a persons circumstances. Being single or married factors in to the amount one can contribute. The official IRS government website has a set of guidelines and rules available to help one figure out their maximum allowable contribution.
There is no company or entity entitled Roth IRA Contribution Limited. Roth individual retirement account contribution limits refer to the maximum contribution a person can make to such an account in a given year. Those limits are set annually and published by the Internal Revenue Service as Publication 590.
Depend on how the contributiom are coded in the simple...if they as coded as simple contribution then you can. However, if they are coded as regular contribution then you have used up your contribution limit for the traditional.