The basic earning power ratio (or BEP ratio) compares earnings apart from the influence of taxes or financial leverage, to the assets of the company. It is just a ratio of the earnings of the company and its assets and does not include the capital invested into the company or the tax and interest liabilities.
BEPR = EBIT / Total Assets
What is the basic earning power ? Net Inc= 600000 ROA=8% Int EXP= 225,000 Tax Rate =35 % BEP for this is 15.31%
No. There is no platinum ratio.
The ratio is 1:2The ratio is 1:2The ratio is 1:2The ratio is 1:2
The ratio of C12H22O11 to WHAT!
The ratio of volumes is directly proportional to the cube of the ratio of their sides. And, incidentally, all cubes are similar.
Price earnings ratio.
Cost Ratio = expenses/earnings
What is the difference between basic and diluted earnings per share?
Dept / earnings ratio.
Is the Price/Earnings ratio. You can find it by taking the market price per share and dividing it by the annual earnings per share.
the price earnings ratio is simply earnings-per-share divided by the share price. OOPS! I got that upside down! It is the share price divided by the earnings per share. The earnings figure might be for the trailing twelve months (ttm) or earnings estimated for the next four quarters.
This year's retained earnings to net income.
P/E Ratio
The price earnings ratio is influenced by: -the earnings and sales growth of the firms -risk -debt-equity structure of the firm -dividend policy -quality of management -a number of other factors
A company has an EPS of $2.00 Cash flow per share of $3.00 Price/cash flow ratio of 8.0x What is its P/E ratio? Price Per Earnings Ratio = Market Value Per Share / Earnings Per Share (EPS) 8.0 x 3.00 = 24 24/2 P/E = 12X
Diluted earnings per share Diluted earnings per share