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Q: What happens if you put 2 different color skittles in sprite?
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How do you use the draw sprite function in Game Maker?

The draw_sprite() function works as follows:draw_sprite(name of the sprite, frame of the sprite that you want to draw, x value, y value);Let's say you have a sprite named spr_ball, which has 3 frames, and you want to draw it at position (32, 32). Sometimes you don't want to draw a specific frame though. In those cases you just put -1 in the second argument. This will make the function draw the animated version of the sprite, not just a single frame. This is how that code would look:draw_sprite(spr_ball,-1,32,32);It's pretty simple.There is another draw_sprite function that you may want to check out as well. (only if you have the pro version!) The draw_sprite_ext() function has more flexibility than the draw_sprite() function. This is what the draw_sprite_ext() function looks like:draw_sprite_ext(sprite, frame, x position, y position, width scale, height scale, rotation, color, alpha value);This line of code looks confusing, but it is an extremely important statement to learn. As you see, the first four arguments work the same as in the draw_sprite() function. width scale and height scale are very simple. If you set the width scaleto 1, then the sprite will draw the same as it would in the normal function. A value of -1 will mirror the sprite, a value of 0.5 would draw the sprite 50% as wide as normal, etc... The same goes for the height scale. The rotation argument speaks for itself. You input a number between 0 and 360 and it will draw the sprite rotated to that degree. Note that a value of 0 points to the right, a value of 90 points upwards, a value of 180 points left and a value of 270 points down. The color argument also speaks for itself. A value of -1 will draw the sprite with no color applied. You can use the following variables in the color argument:c_redc_bluec_blackc_whitec_grayc_fuchsiac_yellowc_dkgrayNow, on to the alpha argument: you input a number between 0 and 1 and it will draw the sprite at [the number you input]x100% opacity. E.g. a value of 1 will draw the sprite completely opaque, a value of 0 will draw the sprite completely transparent, a value of 0.90 will draw the sprite at 90% opacity, a value of 0.1 will draw the sprite at 10% opacity, etc...I hope that this helped you!

What color happens when 3 primary colors overlap?

The color brown occurs when the 3 primary colors overlap. Color theory teaches that mixing a primary color and its complementary secondary color will make brown. This works because the complementary secondary color contains the other two primary colors.

What prime colors make a tan color?

A tan color can be made by mixing together four different colors: small amounts of red, black, and yellow should be mixed with a majority of white coloring.

A gum machine contains red green yellow and purple gumballs. You cannot which color you get. Anna wants three gumballs of any color. At 5 cents each what is the most she must spend that she has three?

15 cents. You stated she wants 3 of any color. That would be 3 gumballs. If you meant 3 gumballs of the SAME color, that is a different question.

Is the color mauve a primary or secondary color?

the color mauve is not a primary or secondary color so it is none of above.

Related questions

Why does a skittle dissolve in water?

skittles has some artificial color on their outer shell, so it will dissolve in a any liquid

Which has more color m and ms or Skittles?

m&ms are not as bright as skittles, but each are color coated. Each candy has different varieties and some are even seasonal. For a traditional bag of m&ms, there are six different colors in the bag: red, brown, green, orange, yellow, and blue. For a traditional bag of skittles, there are five different colors: red, orange, yellow, green, and purple.

Can Skittles Dissolving in Water?

the shell dissolves leaving you with white gummy skittles

Is there crushed up cockroaches in skittles?

Not exactly. There is a red color food color called cochineal derived from a certain beetle. But not in skittles

What is sprite's color?

sprite has no color becuase it has caramel food coloring and the phosphic acid to makes it have no coloring.

What is the color distribution of Skittles?

100% blue

What color is BTB in Sprite?

it is a greenish color.

How do you change color in Scratch?

To change color in Scratch, you can use the "set color effect" block to adjust the appearance of a sprite. Additionally, you can use the "change color effect" block to dynamically change the color effect over time or in response to events. Another option is to use different costumes for a sprite, each with its own color scheme.

Is there a store that sells Skittles by color?

No. But there will be, if YOU make one! ^.^

What is the least common color in a Skittles bag?


What is the color additive of red Skittles?

It makes them taste better. Sort of... Research shows that when someone eats a food with a brighter and bolder color, they will also perceive the flavor to be stronger. So the bright colors of Skittles trick your mind into thinking the Skittles taste better.

What color Skittles dissolves fastest?

yellow, yes i tried it.