blue and yellow
Blue and Yellow are both primary colours. When you mix equal parts yellow and blue you get the secondary colour Green. When mixing green you can vary the colour by varying the amount of blue for a darker green and yellow for a brighter green.
it equals dark green
Brown is the result of mixing all three primary colours (Red Blue & Yellow). Adding more blue will deepen the colour of brown.
lavender None of my (cake decorating) books had that in their color charts, so I mixed equal amounts of each color to find out, and the resulting color was a dark green. The red and yellow colors were "true" colors, the blue was a medium shade of blue. So if you use a darker shade of blue, the green will be even darker.
blue + yellow = green
blue and yellow
Try red, blue and yellow, less yellow and equal amounts of red and blue.
In equal proportions, green.
Blue and Yellow are both primary colours. When you mix equal parts yellow and blue you get the secondary colour Green. When mixing green you can vary the colour by varying the amount of blue for a darker green and yellow for a brighter green.
The color green is made by mixing the color blue and yellow. Yellow and Blue. mix yellow and blue blue and yellow
In pigments: Equal amounts of red and blue are used to make purple. Mixing equal amounts of red, blue, and yellow (the three primary colors) will yield brown. In light: Equal amounts of red and blue make magenta (a lighter, more reddish shade of purple). Equal amounts of magenta and yellow make white.
it equals dark green
If you mix equal parts of the primary colors Yellow and Blue, you will get the secondary color Green. If you mix 2 parts Yellow and 1 part Blue, you will get the tertiary color Yellow-green. If you mix 2 parts Blue and 1 part Yellow, you will get the tertiary color Blue-green.
Well yellow and blue make green as long as you have equal amounts of both colours mixed in.
if you are mixing equal part red, yellow and blue (the three primary colours) you should get a brown. If you have achieved a green from this mixture you are using larger proportions of blue and yellow and a small amount of red will make it more of an olive (or browned) green. To get a true green use equal parts yellow and blue... leave the red out.
Yellow green is a combination of green and yellow in equal parts. THe green has to be half yellow and half blue. To mix it from primary colors you use 3 parts yellow and 1 part blue.