If it does not factor properly then you cannot factor it.
This cannot be properly answered since you did not specify the amount of the tax.
To ensure they are read as binary numbers and not decimal numbers.
I didn't mean it!I mean, seriously what's your problem?You are being so mean.
This cannot be properly answered because you did not say what place to round it to. For example; nearest whole number, tenths, hundredths, etc.
Ordentlich means properly.
do it properly
its properly a name
It means to behave properly.
So that you can pray properly and learn how to say the words properly and mean them
If you do not treat it properly, such as beating them.
dress like you are supposed to for where you are going.
We do not know what you mean by "unsaurs", did you spell it properly.
that teenagers have started to wear their trousers properly
Any dog can grow up to be mean if not properly socillized.
Drafts may mean the doors and windows do not fit properly and wind is coming in.