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Q: What does a b flat look like?
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What does flat look like?

a flat looks like this b

Why does C flat look like a B on piano?

Because C flat and B are the same notes, due to chromatics.

What does the Treble Cleb B flat key signature look like?

Treble Clef followed by a flat on the middle (B) linefollowed by a flat on the top (E) space

What does the key signature of a flat look like?

The key of A-flat major contains four flats: B, E, A, and D.

What does the bass clef A flat key look like?

B flat on the second line on the bass clef, E flat on the third space from the bottom, A flat on the first space from the bottom and the D flat on the middle line.

Why is the flat sign in music a like a b?

it stands for flat

What is the difference between A flat and B flat?

The difference between A and B in music is that A music is in a higher pitch than B and is harder to play.

What is a flat charatcer?

A flat looks like a back-to front b kinda.

What does the bass clef B flat key signature look like?

Bb has 2 Flats. Bb and Eb. The First Flat (Bb) Is on the second line from the bottom, and the second flat (Eb) is on the third space from the bottom.

What is a whole step above B flat?

C Natural is a whole step above B flat. If you look at a piano, a half step above B Flat is B Natural, and one more half step above that is C Natural. So it's a whole step from B Flat to C Natural.

What is the song that starts on the piano like b flat d f a d f g b flat d f a c e flat g b flat f a c b flat d a b flat?

It's a song by Fun and the notes you said are the beginning keyboard instrumentals. Hope this helped!

What are the notes in B flat scale?

It depends on what scale you're talking about. B flat major = B flat, C, D, E flat, F, G, A B flat harmonic minor (ascending and descending) = B-flat, C, D-flat, E-flat, F, G-flat, A (natural), B-flat, A (natural), G-flat, F, E-flat, D-flat, C, B-flat B flat melodic minor (ascending and descending) = B-flat, C, D-flat, E-flat, F, G (natural), A (natural), B-flat, B-flat, A-flat, G-flat, F, E-flat, D-flat, C, B-flat B flat natural minor = B-flat, C, D-flat, E-flat, F, G, A, B-flat