

What does Byte means?

Updated: 9/24/2023
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10y ago

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A sequence of adjacent bits, usually eight, operated on as a unit by a computer.

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Q: What does Byte means?
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means that the LSB is found in the low byte

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it is a byte.

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What is the meaning of MBPS in Internet speed?

MBPS means Mega byte per second .It is actually the band width.In digital communication Bandwidth is measured in byte/second. Internet speed is usually quoted in Megabits per second. 1 byte = 8 bits.

Why is a byte the smallest bit of useful data?

Bit (b) and Byte (B) is entirely different. Bit is the smallest storage unit in computer science. 8 Bit (8b) = 1 Byte (1B) In normal working, when you press any key, it covers atleast 1 Byte of space. Means if you will type ABC, it will cover 3B, so that we consider byte as a smallest unit of useful data.

What does MB in IT mean?

mb in the IT area means megabyte. This means approximately a million bytes. A byte is a form of data storage

What is giga bite?

the prefix "giga" means 109= 1,000,000,000 (billion) and the part "byte" just means space.

What is difference between a 'byte' and a 'byte'?

I believe you meant difference between a bit and a byte. A byte is 8 bits.

How many songs same as 1 byte?

A byte is a unit of computer memory equaling 8 bits. A bit is a one or a zero. A byte is essentially equal to one character, as it can store a value from 1 to 255. A byte is too small to store any songs. Perhaps the questioner means a megabyte(1,000,000 bytes) or a gigabyte(1,000,000,000 bytes)?

What does GB hardrive mean?

GB means giga byte or how much memory an xbox hardrive has