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Maybe you need to wait for 4-5 days and if your period doesn't show up, take a pregnancy test. I had the same issue.. normally i have 33 day cycle. On 35th day test was negative.. but after 3 days got fain positive.. finally after 1 week i got full positive.. so better wait and see..

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Q: What do you think your period is usually 32 days now going on 34 35 day with no period have had 2 pregnany test's that was negative and no period yet?
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I am two months late on your period but you took 2 pregnancy tests and it was negative could you still be pregnant?

I am two months late and i have taken a test sometimes twice a week and they say negative. what is going on?

If you multiply a negative number by a negative number is your answer going to be a negative number or a positive number?

A negative multiplied by another negative will always give a positive answer. E.g. -4 x - 3 = 12

What is a positive integer a negative integer?

Start at 0 and go in both the negative and positive directions. So in the positive one we have 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,19, and keep going forever. Those are the non-negative integers. If we get rid of the o and leave all the others, we have the positive integers. Now take each positive integer, 1,2,3,4 etc and make it a negative number, so we have -1,-2,-3, etc, those are the negative integers. Or we can start at -1 and count toward negative infinity by going -1, -2,-3, -4, .... forever and those are the negative integers.

Why is the quotient of two negative integers is positive?

because when multiplying or dividing two negatives equal a positive. Let me try to explain it using words and an example from everyday life. Imagine you say "I am not going to school." The not is a negative and means you are not going! Now say "I am not not going to school." Since there are two nots they actually cancel each other out and in this sentence. It is called a double negative. Your first not is actually cancelling out your second not which then makes you say that you are going to school. This is the same idea in math when multiplying and dividing. When you have two negatives they cancel each other out do not count just like in the "not not" idea. if this makes no sense i am sry. its the way how i was taught in 8th grade to under stand double negatives and it made sense to me.

Can grashof number be negative?

Yep, pretty sure. Indicated negative buoyancy... Like if you place a cold object in a hot fluid, the fluid in contact will be cooled and thus sink. May want to take an absolute value if you're going on to find convection coefficient, otherwise some complex numbers may pop up (Depending on how you're calculating Nusselt number)

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How do you know your going to have your period?

Usually you got cramps in your stomach.

How you know you going to have your period?

Usually you got cramps in your stomach.

Why are you not getting your period?

If you are too young to be going through menopause, its usually a pregnancy that is the culprit of not getting a period.

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If you mean the cycle of one period, then yes it usually does. If you mean the end of the period all together, then no, not unless you are quite old

When there is full of negative charges in a jar are there going to be negative charges?

No, if a jar is already full of negative charges, adding more negative charges would result in repulsion among the charges and likely lead to discharge or redistribution of charges. The negative charges would try to move away from each other to minimize repulsion.

My period is delayed by ten days i did urine test but the result is negative-what's going on?

i am 10 delayed and still negative result. i have head ache and some unclear discharge... i am pregnant

Does your period keep going until you die?

No, you're period does not last until you die. It usually stops around the age of 45 to 55.

I am two months late on your period but you took 2 pregnancy tests and it was negative could you still be pregnant?

I am two months late and i have taken a test sometimes twice a week and they say negative. what is going on?

When is your period going to start?

It's different for everyone. Usually, no one gets it before their 12 but everyone is different.

How many times do you take a shower when your period is on?

usually twice. once in the morning, and once before going to bed.

How will you know when your period is going to start?

usually cramps abdominal pain back pain headaches sore breasts

You are 42 yrs you missed your period pregnancy test is negative what will be the reason?

Going by your age it is possible that you are starting the menopause and that your missed period is just the start of the irregularity of the menstrual cycle that is a symptom of menopause but you will need to see your doc, he/she should run a few tests for you and that will tell you what is going on.