To express .371 as a fraction, we can write it as 371/1000. This is because the decimal point separates the whole number from the decimal fraction, and the digits after the decimal point represent the numerator, while the number of zeros in the denominator depends on the number of decimal places. Therefore, .371 as a fraction is 371/1000.
371 is not a prime number because it has more factors than 1 and itself. It is a composite number. 371=53*7
371/24 = 15.46 so there are about 15 and a half days in 371 hours.
It is 15 days and 11 hours.
2-2-1982 at 8 pm
Each day contains 24 hours. Therefore, the answer is 371/24 = about 15.46 or exactly 15-11/24 days.
it was 371 hours long
February 3rd
371 hrs is 15 days and 11 hours. There are 31 days in january, so jan 18 + 15 days is 2nd of feb. 9am+11 hours is 8pm. It will be 8pm on 2nd of February.
How about: 7*53 = 371 or 1*371 = 371
6 hours and 1.83 minutes
C is 100, L is 50, X is 10 and I is 1. 371 is CLXXI.
5 hours 18 minutes.